<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS' href='index.xml' />
Background: #fff
Foreground: #000
PrimaryPale: #8cf
PrimaryLight: #18f
PrimaryMid: #04b
PrimaryDark: #014
SecondaryPale: #ffc
SecondaryLight: #fe8
SecondaryMid: #db4
SecondaryDark: #841
TertiaryPale: #eee
TertiaryLight: #ccc
TertiaryMid: #999
TertiaryDark: #666
Error: #f88
body {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}

a {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
a:hover {background-color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
a img {border:0;}

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]]; background:transparent;}
h1 {border-bottom:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
h2,h3 {border-bottom:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}

.button {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; border-color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}
.button:active {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}

.header {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.headerShadow {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
.headerShadow a {font-weight:normal; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
.headerForeground {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.headerForeground a {font-weight:normal; color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];}

	border-left:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];
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.tabUnselected {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.tabContents {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.tabContents .button {border:0;}

#sidebar {}
#sidebarOptions input {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a {border:none;color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:active {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}

.wizard {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.wizard h1 {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; border:none;}
.wizard h2 {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border:none;}
.wizardStep {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];
	border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.wizardStep.wizardStepDone {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.wizardFooter {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];}
.wizardFooter .status {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.wizard .button {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; border: 1px solid;
	border-color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]] [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.wizard .button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.wizard .button:active {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: 1px solid;
	border-color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];}

.wizard .notChanged {background:transparent;}
.wizard .changedLocally {background:#80ff80;}
.wizard .changedServer {background:#8080ff;}
.wizard .changedBoth {background:#ff8080;}
.wizard .notFound {background:#ffff80;}
.wizard .putToServer {background:#ff80ff;}
.wizard .gotFromServer {background:#80ffff;}

#messageArea {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#messageArea .button {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; border:none;}

.popupTiddler {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.popup {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; border-left:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border-top:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border-right:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; border-bottom:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.popup hr {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; border-bottom:1px;}
.popup li.disabled {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.popup li a, .popup li a:visited {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: none;}
.popup li a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: none;}
.popup li a:active {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: none;}
.popupHighlight {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
.listBreak div {border-bottom:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.tiddler .defaultCommand {font-weight:bold;}

.shadow .title {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.title {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.subtitle {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.toolbar {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.toolbar a {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.selected .toolbar a {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.selected .toolbar a:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}

.tagging, .tagged {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]];}
.selected .tagging, .selected .tagged {background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.tagging .listTitle, .tagged .listTitle {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];}
.tagging .button, .tagged .button {border:none;}

.footer {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.selected .footer {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.sparkline {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]]; border:0;}
.sparktick {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];}

.error, .errorButton {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Error]];}
.warning {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.lowlight {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}

.zoomer {background:none; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border:3px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.imageLink, #displayArea .imageLink {background:transparent;}

.annotation {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}

.viewer .listTitle {list-style-type:none; margin-left:-2em;}
.viewer .button {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}
.viewer blockquote {border-left:3px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.viewer table, table.twtable {border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.viewer th, .viewer thead td, .twtable th, .twtable thead td {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.viewer td, .viewer tr, .twtable td, .twtable tr {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.viewer pre {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.viewer code {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.viewer hr {border:0; border-top:dashed 1px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.highlight, .marked {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]];}

.editor input {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.editor textarea {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; width:100%;}
.editorFooter {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

#backstageArea {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
#backstageArea a {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstageArea a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; }
#backstageArea a.backstageSelTab {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#backstageButton a {background:none; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstageButton a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstagePanel {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border-color: [[ColorPalette::Background]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.backstagePanelFooter .button {border:none; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.backstagePanelFooter .button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#backstageCloak {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; opacity:0.6; filter:'alpha(opacity:60)';}
* html .tiddler {height:1%;}

body {font-size:.75em; font-family:arial,helvetica; margin:0; padding:0;}

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;}
h1,h2,h3 {padding-bottom:1px; margin-top:1.2em;margin-bottom:0.3em;}
h4,h5,h6 {margin-top:1em;}
h1 {font-size:1.35em;}
h2 {font-size:1.25em;}
h3 {font-size:1.1em;}
h4 {font-size:1em;}
h5 {font-size:.9em;}

hr {height:1px;}

a {text-decoration:none;}

dt {font-weight:bold;}

ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}

.txtOptionInput {width:11em;}

#contentWrapper .chkOptionInput {border:0;}

.externalLink {text-decoration:underline;}

.indent {margin-left:3em;}
.outdent {margin-left:3em; text-indent:-3em;}
code.escaped {white-space:nowrap;}

.tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold;}
.tiddlyLinkNonExisting {font-style:italic;}

/* the 'a' is required for IE, otherwise it renders the whole tiddler in bold */
a.tiddlyLinkNonExisting.shadow {font-weight:bold;}

#mainMenu .tiddlyLinkExisting,
	#mainMenu .tiddlyLinkNonExisting,
	#sidebarTabs .tiddlyLinkNonExisting {font-weight:normal; font-style:normal;}
#sidebarTabs .tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;}

.header {position:relative;}
.header a:hover {background:transparent;}
.headerShadow {position:relative; padding:4.5em 0em 1em 1em; left:-1px; top:-1px;}
.headerForeground {position:absolute; padding:4.5em 0em 1em 1em; left:0px; top:0px;}

.siteTitle {font-size:3em;}
.siteSubtitle {font-size:1.2em;}

#mainMenu {position:absolute; left:0; width:10em; text-align:right; line-height:1.6em; padding:1.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em; font-size:1.1em;}

#sidebar {position:absolute; right:3px; width:16em; font-size:.9em;}
#sidebarOptions {padding-top:0.3em;}
#sidebarOptions a {margin:0em 0.2em; padding:0.2em 0.3em; display:block;}
#sidebarOptions input {margin:0.4em 0.5em;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {margin-left:1em; padding:0.5em; font-size:.85em;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a {font-weight:bold; display:inline; padding:0;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel input {margin:0 0 .3em 0;}
#sidebarTabs .tabContents {width:15em; overflow:hidden;}

.wizard {padding:0.1em 1em 0em 2em;}
.wizard h1 {font-size:2em; font-weight:bold; background:none; padding:0em 0em 0em 0em; margin:0.4em 0em 0.2em 0em;}
.wizard h2 {font-size:1.2em; font-weight:bold; background:none; padding:0em 0em 0em 0em; margin:0.4em 0em 0.2em 0em;}
.wizardStep {padding:1em 1em 1em 1em;}
.wizard .button {margin:0.5em 0em 0em 0em; font-size:1.2em;}
.wizardFooter {padding:0.8em 0.4em 0.8em 0em;}
.wizardFooter .status {padding:0em 0.4em 0em 0.4em; margin-left:1em;}
.wizard .button {padding:0.1em 0.2em 0.1em 0.2em;}

#messageArea {position:fixed; top:2em; right:0em; margin:0.5em; padding:0.5em; z-index:2000; _position:absolute;}
.messageToolbar {display:block; text-align:right; padding:0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em;}
#messageArea a {text-decoration:underline;}

.tiddlerPopupButton {padding:0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em;}
.popupTiddler {position: absolute; z-index:300; padding:1em 1em 1em 1em; margin:0;}

.popup {position:absolute; z-index:300; font-size:.9em; padding:0; list-style:none; margin:0;}
.popup .popupMessage {padding:0.4em;}
.popup hr {display:block; height:1px; width:auto; padding:0; margin:0.2em 0em;}
.popup li.disabled {padding:0.4em;}
.popup li a {display:block; padding:0.4em; font-weight:normal; cursor:pointer;}
.listBreak {font-size:1px; line-height:1px;}
.listBreak div {margin:2px 0;}

.tabset {padding:1em 0em 0em 0.5em;}
.tab {margin:0em 0em 0em 0.25em; padding:2px;}
.tabContents {padding:0.5em;}
.tabContents ul, .tabContents ol {margin:0; padding:0;}
.txtMainTab .tabContents li {list-style:none;}
.tabContents li.listLink { margin-left:.75em;}

#contentWrapper {display:block;}
#splashScreen {display:none;}

#displayArea {margin:1em 17em 0em 14em;}

.toolbar {text-align:right; font-size:.9em;}

.tiddler {padding:1em 1em 0em 1em;}

.missing .viewer,.missing .title {font-style:italic;}

.title {font-size:1.6em; font-weight:bold;}

.missing .subtitle {display:none;}
.subtitle {font-size:1.1em;}

.tiddler .button {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}

.tagging {margin:0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0; float:left; display:none;}
.isTag .tagging {display:block;}
.tagged {margin:0.5em; float:right;}
.tagging, .tagged {font-size:0.9em; padding:0.25em;}
.tagging ul, .tagged ul {list-style:none; margin:0.25em; padding:0;}
.tagClear {clear:both;}

.footer {font-size:.9em;}
.footer li {display:inline;}

.annotation {padding:0.5em; margin:0.5em;}

* html .viewer pre {width:99%; padding:0 0 1em 0;}
.viewer {line-height:1.4em; padding-top:0.5em;}
.viewer .button {margin:0em 0.25em; padding:0em 0.25em;}
.viewer blockquote {line-height:1.5em; padding-left:0.8em;margin-left:2.5em;}
.viewer ul, .viewer ol {margin-left:0.5em; padding-left:1.5em;}

.viewer table, table.twtable {border-collapse:collapse; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
.viewer th, .viewer td, .viewer tr,.viewer caption,.twtable th, .twtable td, .twtable tr,.twtable caption {padding:3px;}
table.listView {font-size:0.85em; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
table.listView th, table.listView td, table.listView tr {padding:0px 3px 0px 3px;}

.viewer pre {padding:0.5em; margin-left:0.5em; font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.4em; overflow:auto;}
.viewer code {font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.4em;}

.editor {font-size:1.1em;}
.editor input, .editor textarea {display:block; width:100%; font:inherit;}
.editorFooter {padding:0.25em 0em; font-size:.9em;}
.editorFooter .button {padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;}

.fieldsetFix {border:0; padding:0; margin:1px 0px 1px 0px;}

.sparkline {line-height:1em;}
.sparktick {outline:0;}

.zoomer {font-size:1.1em; position:absolute; overflow:hidden;}
.zoomer div {padding:1em;}

* html #backstage {width:99%;}
* html #backstageArea {width:99%;}
#backstageArea {display:none; position:relative; overflow: hidden; z-index:150; padding:0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageToolbar {position:relative;}
#backstageArea a {font-weight:bold; margin-left:0.5em; padding:0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageButton {display:none; position:absolute; z-index:175; top:0em; right:0em;}
#backstageButton a {padding:0.1em 0.4em 0.1em 0.4em; margin:0.1em 0.1em 0.1em 0.1em;}
#backstage {position:relative; width:100%; z-index:50;}
#backstagePanel {display:none; z-index:100; position:absolute; width:90%; margin:0em 3em 0em 3em; padding:1em 1em 1em 1em;}
.backstagePanelFooter {padding-top:0.2em; float:right;}
.backstagePanelFooter a {padding:0.2em 0.4em 0.2em 0.4em;}
#backstageCloak {display:none; z-index:20; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100px;}

.whenBackstage {display:none;}
.backstageVisible .whenBackstage {display:block;}
StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
body {font-size:0.8em;}
#sidebarOptions {font-size:1.05em;}
#sidebarOptions a {font-style:normal;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {font-size:0.95em;}
.subtitle {font-size:0.8em;}
.viewer table.listView {font-size:0.95em;}
@media print {
#mainMenu, #sidebar, #messageArea, .toolbar, #backstageButton, #backstageArea {display: none ! important;}
#displayArea {margin: 1em 1em 0em 1em;}
/* Fixes a feature in Firefox where print preview displays the noscript content */
noscript {display:none;}
<div class='header' macro='gradient vert [[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]'>
<div class='headerShadow'>
<span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
<span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
<div class='headerForeground'>
<span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
<span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
<div id='mainMenu' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
<div id='sidebar'>
<div id='sidebarOptions' refresh='content' tiddler='SideBarOptions'></div>
<div id='sidebarTabs' refresh='content' force='true' tiddler='SideBarTabs'></div>
<div id='displayArea'>
<div id='messageArea'></div>
<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span></div>
To get started with this blank TiddlyWiki, you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* SiteTitle & SiteSubtitle: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* MainMenu: The menu (usually on the left)
* DefaultTiddlers: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These InterfaceOptions for customising TiddlyWiki are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a WikiWord (eg JoeBloggs)

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> SaveBackups
<<option chkAutoSave>> AutoSave
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> RegExpSearch
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> CaseSensitiveSearch
<<option chkAnimate>> EnableAnimations

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|[[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|list/jump to tiddlers viewed during this session plus "back" button/macro|
This plugin provides a list of links to all tiddlers opened during the session, creating a "trail of breadcrumbs" from one tiddler to the next, allowing you to quickly navigate to any previously viewed tiddler, or select 'home' to reset the display to the initial set of tiddlers that were open at the start of the session (i.e., when the document was loaded into the browser).
see [[BreadcrumbsPluginInfo]]
<<option chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs>> automatically create breadcrumbs display (if needed)
<<option chkShowBreadcrumbs>> show/hide breadcrumbs display
<<option chkReorderBreadcrumbs>> re-order breadcrumbs when visiting a previously viewed tiddler
<<option chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink>> omit 'Home' link from breadcrumbs display
<<option chkBreadcrumbsSave>> prompt to save breadcrumbs when 'Home' link is pressed
<<option chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs>> show breadcrumbs for 'startup' tiddlers
<<option chkBreadcrumbsReverse>> show breadcrumbs in reverse order (most recent first)
<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimit>> limit breadcrumbs display to {{twochar{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimit>>}}} items
<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>> limit open tiddlers to {{twochar{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>>}}} items

2009.03.22 [2.1.0] added 'save breadcrumbs to tiddler' feature
| Please see [[BreadcrumbsPluginInfo]] for previous revision details |
2006.02.01 [1.0.0] initial release
version.extensions.BreadcrumbsPlugin= {major: 2, minor: 1, revision: 0, date: new Date("March 2, 2009")};

var co=config.options; // abbreviation

// show/hide display option (default is to SHOW breadcrumbs)
if (co.chkShowBreadcrumbs===undefined) co.chkShowBreadcrumbs=true;

// REORDER breadcrumbs when visiting previously viewed tiddler (default)
if (co.chkReorderBreadcrumbs===undefined) co.chkReorderBreadcrumbs=true;

// create default breadcrumbs display as needed (default is to CREATE)
if (co.chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs===undefined) co.chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs=true;

// show breadcrumbs for 'startup' tiddlers (default is FALSE = only show crumbs for tiddlers opened after startup)
if (co.chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs===undefined) co.chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs=false;

// show crumbs in reverse order (most recent first)
if (co.chkBreadcrumbsReverse===undefined) co.chkBreadcrumbsReverse=false;

// limit number of crumbs displayed
if (co.chkBreadcrumbsLimit===undefined) co.chkBreadcrumbsLimit=false;
if (co.txtBreadcrumbsLimit===undefined) co.txtBreadcrumbsLimit=5;

// limit number of open tiddlers
if (co.chkBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers===undefined) co.chkBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers=false;
if (co.txtBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers===undefined) co.txtBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers=3;

// omit home link from breadcrumbs display
if (co.chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink===undefined) co.chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink=false;

// prompt for 'save crumbs' when 'home' button is pressed
if (co.chkBreadcrumbsSave===undefined) co.chkBreadcrumbsSave=false;

config.macros.breadcrumbs =  {
	crumbs: [], // the list of current breadcrumbs
	askMsg: "Save current breadcrumbs before clearing?\nPress OK to save, or CANCEL to continue without saving.",
	saveMsg: 'Enter the name of a tiddler in which to save the current breadcrumbs',
	saveTitle: 'SavedBreadcrumbs',
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var area=createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,"breadCrumbs",null);
		area.setAttribute("homeSep",params[0]?params[0]:this.homeSeparator); // custom home separator
		area.setAttribute("crumbSep",params[1]?params[1]:this.crumbSeparator); // custom crumb separator
	add: function (title) {
		var thisCrumb = title;
		var ind = this.crumbs.indexOf(thisCrumb);
		if(ind === -1)
		else if (config.options.chkReorderBreadcrumbs)
			this.crumbs.push(this.crumbs.splice(ind,1)[0]); // reorder crumbs
			this.crumbs=this.crumbs.slice(0,ind+1); // trim crumbs
		if (config.options.chkBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers)
		return false;
	getAreas: function() {
		var crumbAreas=[];
		// find all DIVs with classname=="breadCrumbs"
		// Note: use try/catch to avoid "Bad NPObject as private data" fatal error  caused when
		// some versions of embedded QuickTime player element is accessed by hasClass() function.
		var all=document.getElementsByTagName("*");
		for (var i=0; i<all.length; i++)
			try{ if (hasClass(all[i],"breadCrumbs")) crumbAreas.push(all[i]); } catch(e) {;}
		// find single DIV w/fixed ID (backward compatibility)
		var byID=document.getElementById("breadCrumbs")
		if (byID && !hasClass(byID,"breadCrumbs")) crumbAreas.push(byID);
		if (!crumbAreas.length && config.options.chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs) {
			// no existing crumbs display areas... create one...
			var defaultArea = createTiddlyElement(null,"span",null,"breadCrumbs",null);
		 	defaultArea.style.display= "none";
			var targetArea= document.getElementById("tiddlerDisplay");
		return crumbAreas;
	refresh: function() {
		var crumbAreas=this.getAreas();
		for (var i=0; i<crumbAreas.length; i++) {
			crumbAreas[i].style.display = config.options.chkShowBreadcrumbs?"block":"none";
	render: function(here) {
		var co=config.options; var out=""
		var homeSep=here.getAttribute("homeSep"); if (!homeSep) homeSep=this.homeSeparator;
		var crumbSep=here.getAttribute("crumbSep"); if (!crumbSep) crumbSep=this.crumbSeparator;
		if (!co.chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink) {
			createTiddlyButton(here,"Home",null,this.home,"tiddlyLink tiddlyLinkExisting");
		for (c=0; c<this.crumbs.length; c++) // remove non-existing tiddlers from crumbs
			if (!store.tiddlerExists(this.crumbs[c]) && !store.isShadowTiddler(this.crumbs[c]))
		var count=this.crumbs.length;
		if (co.chkBreadcrumbsLimit && co.txtBreadcrumbsLimit<count) count=co.txtBreadcrumbsLimit;
		var list=[];
		for (c=this.crumbs.length-count; c<this.crumbs.length; c++) list.push('[['+this.crumbs[c]+']]');
		if (co.chkBreadcrumbsReverse) list.reverse();
	home: function() {
		var cmb=config.macros.breadcrumbs;
		if (config.options.chkBreadcrumbsSave && confirm(cmb.askMsg)) cmb.saveCrumbs();
		story.closeAllTiddlers(); restart();
		cmb.crumbs = []; var crumbAreas=cmb.getAreas();
		for (var i=0; i<crumbAreas.length; i++) crumbAreas[i].style.display = "none";
		return false;
	saveCrumbs: function() {
		var tid=prompt(this.saveMsg,this.saveTitle); if (!tid||!tid.length) return; // cancelled by user
		var t=store.getTiddler(tid);
		if(t && !confirm(config.messages.overwriteWarning.format([tid]))) return;
		var who=config.options.txtUserName;
		var when=new Date();
		var text='[['+this.crumbs.join(']]\n[[')+']]';
		var tags=t?t.tags:[]; tags.pushUnique('story');
		var fields=t?t.fields:{};
		displayMessage(tid+' has been '+(t?'updated':'created'));
	limitOpenTiddlers: function() {
		var limit=config.options.txtBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers; if (limit<1) limit=1;
		for (c=this.crumbs.length-1; c>=0; c--) {
			var tid=this.crumbs[c];
			var elem=document.getElementById(story.idPrefix+tid);
			if (elem) { // tiddler is displayed
				if (limit <=0) { // display limit has been reached
					if (elem.getAttribute("dirty")=="true") { // tiddler is being edited
						var msg="'"+tid+"' is currently being edited.\n\n";
						msg+="Press OK to save and close this tiddler\nor press Cancel to leave it opened";
						if (confirm(msg)) { story.saveTiddler(tid); story.closeTiddler(tid); }
if (config.macros.breadcrumbs.homeSeparator==undefined) // note: not a cookie
	config.macros.breadcrumbs.homeSeparator=" | ";
if (config.macros.breadcrumbs.crumbSeparator==undefined)  // note: not a cookie
	config.macros.breadcrumbs.crumbSeparator=" > ";

config.commands.previousTiddler = {
	text: 'back',
	tooltip: 'view the previous tiddler',
	hideReadOnly: false,
	dateFormat: 'DDD, MMM DDth YYYY hh:0mm:0ss',
	handler: function(event,src,title) {
		var here=story.findContainingTiddler(src); if (!here) return;
		var crumbs=config.macros.breadcrumbs.crumbs;
		if (crumbs.length>1) {
			var crumb=crumbs[crumbs.length-2];
		return false;

config.macros.previousTiddler= {
	label: 'back',
	prompt: 'view the previous tiddler',
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var label=params.shift(); if (!label) label=this.label;
		var prompt=params.shift(); if (!prompt) prompt=this.prompt;
		createTiddlyButton(place,label,prompt,function() {
			var crumbs=config.macros.breadcrumbs.crumbs;
			if (crumbs.length>1) {
				var crumb=crumbs[crumbs.length-2];

// hijack story.displayTiddler() so crumbs can be refreshed when a tiddler is displayed
if (Story.prototype.breadCrumbs_coreDisplayTiddler==undefined)
Story.prototype.displayTiddler = function(srcElement,tiddler,template,animate,slowly)
	var title=(tiddler instanceof Tiddler)?tiddler.title:tiddler;
	// if not displaying tiddler during document startup, then add it to the breadcrumbs
	// note: 'startingUp' flag is a global, set/reset by the core init() function
	if (!startingUp || config.options.chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs) config.macros.breadcrumbs.add(title);

// hijack store.removeTiddler() so crumbs can be refreshed when a tiddler is deleted
if (TiddlyWiki.prototype.breadCrumbs_coreRemoveTiddler==undefined)
TiddlyWiki.prototype.removeTiddler= function(title)
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|[[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|Documentation for BreadcrumbsPlugin|
This plugin provides a list of links to all tiddlers opened during the session, creating a "trail of breadcrumbs" from one tiddler to the next, allowing you to quickly navigate to any previously viewed tiddler, or select 'home' to reset the display to the initial set of tiddlers that were open at the start of the session (i.e., when the document was loaded into the browser).
<<breadcrumbs homeSeparator crumbSeparator>>
By default, the breadcrumbs are displayed as a continuous, //horizontal// word-wrapped line of text, using default character sequences for ''homeSeparator'' (" | ") and ''crumbSeparator'' (" > ").  The //optional// ''homeSeparator'' and ''crumbSeparator'' macro parameters allow you to specify alternative separators.  For example, to display the breadcrumbs //vertically// (in a stack, rather than a row), set the separator values to use {{{[[<br>]]}}}... and, to display a horizontal line as the home separator, use {{{[[<html><hr></html>]]}}}.
<<breadcrumbs [[<html><hr></html>]] [[<br>]]>>
<<breadcrumbs [[<html><hr></html>]] [[<br>]]>>
Using CSS and a few of the plugin configuration options (see below), you can make the breadcrumbs display resemble browser tabs by adding the following to your [[StyleSheet]]:
.breadCrumbs { border-bottom:1px solid; }
.breadCrumbs a {
	border: 1px solid; padding: 0px 1em;
	-moz-border-radius-topleft:.5em; -moz-border-radius-topright:.5em;
	-webkit-border-top-left-radius:.5em; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:.5em;
and this in [[ConfigTweaks]] (tagged with systemConfig, of course):
config.macros.breadcrumbs.homeSeparator=" ";
config.macros.breadcrumbs.crumbSeparator=" ";
__''display placement:''__
<<option chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs>> automatically create breadcrumbs display (if needed)
{{{<<option chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs>>}}}
>By default, the plugin automatically creates the "breadCrumbs" display element at the top of the story column, just above the tiddlerDisplay area.  To manually control the display and placement of the breadcrumbs display, you can define a DIV with class="breadCrumbs" in a custom [[PageTemplate]] or embed the {{{<<breadcrumbs>>}}} macro in specific tiddler content.
>For example, to add the breadcrumbs below the mainMenu, change this:
<div id='mainMenu' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
<div id='mainMenu'>
	<div refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
	<div id='breadCrumbs' class='breadCrumbs'></div>
>You can also block automatic creation of the breadcrumbs display by setting
>in a [[CookieJar]]/[[ConfigTweaks]] plugin tiddler.

__''other settings:''__
<<option chkShowBreadcrumbs>> show/hide breadcrumbs display
{{{<<option chkShowBreadcrumbs>>}}}
>This checkbox toggles the visibility of the breadcrumbs display.  However, the display is not updated until the next crumb is added (or a previous crumb is clicked on).  For immediate effect, the [[ToggleBreadcrumbs]] script uses [[InlineJavascriptPlugin]] to synchronize the checkbox setting and the breadcrumbs display.
<<option chkReorderBreadcrumbs>> re-order breadcrumbs when visiting a previously viewed tiddler
{{{<<option chkReorderBreadcrumbs>>}}}
>When visiting a previously viewed tiddler, the title of the most-recently displayed tiddler is simply moved to the end of the list and individual breadcrumbs are not removed from the list unless the underlying tiddler is deleted.  When ''re-ordering'' is disabled, the breadcrumbs list is ''trimmed'' so that all crumbs following that tiddler are removed from the list.
<<option chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink>> omit 'Home' link from breadcrumbs display
{{{<<option chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink>>}}}
>Enabling this option suppresses the automatic display of the "Home" link (and home separator).  To manually add the home link elsewhere in your document, use the following HTML:
<html><a href="javascript:;" onclick="config.macros.breadcrumbs.home()">home</a></html>
<<option chkBreadcrumbsSave>> prompt to save breadcrumbs when 'Home' link is pressed
{{{<<option chkBreadcrumbsSave>>}}}
>Whenever you press the 'home' button, you can be prompted to save the current breadcrumbs in a tiddler as a space-separated list of tiddler links (default title="SavedBreadcrumbs").  
<<option chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs>> show breadcrumbs for 'startup' tiddlers
{{{<<option chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs>>}}}
>Breadcrumbs are usually only added for tiddlers that are opened after the document has been loaded, and not for tiddlers displayed during initial startup (e.g., [[DefaultTiddlers]]).  Enabling this option displays breadcrumbs for all viewed tiddlers, regardless of when they are opened.
<<option chkBreadcrumbsReverse>> show breadcrumbs in reverse order
{{{<<option chkBreadcrumbsReverse>>}}}
>As tiddlers are displayed, breadcrumbs are usually added to the //end// of the list.  Enabling this option displays breadcrumbs in reverse order, so that the most recently visited tiddlers are listed first.
<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimit>> limit breadcrumbs display to {{twochar{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimit>>}}} items
{{{<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimit>>}}} and {{{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimit>>}}}
>By default, breadcrumbs are displayed for all tiddlers that have been visited (unless the list is being 'trimmed' by disabling the chkReorderBreadcrumbs option above).  Enabling this option limits the display of the list to a maximum specified number of breadcrumbs.
<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>> limit open tiddlers to {{twochar{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>>}}} items
{{{<<option chkBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>>}}} and {{{<<option txtBreadcrumbsLimitOpenTiddlers>>}}}
>By default, tiddlers remain open (e.g., displayed in the story column) until you explicitly close them.  When this option is enabled, only the most recently opened tiddlers will remain open: ''any tiddlers in excess of the specified limit are automatically closed.''  //Note: for 'data safety', if a tiddler is being edited, you will be asked for permission to "save-and-close" that tiddler or leave it open (even if that would exceed the specified limit).//
2009.03.22 [2.1.0] added 'save breadcrumbs to tiddler' feature
2008.05.01 [2.0.0] added 'limit open tiddlers' feature (with safety check for tiddler in edit mode)
2008.04.06 [1.9.1] corrected 'limit' logic so that //last// N crumbs are shown instead of //first// N crumbs.  Also, added chkBreadcrumbsHideHomeLink
2008.04.04 [1.9.0] added chkBreadcrumbsReverse and chk/txtBreadcrumbsLimit
2008.03.29 [1.8.4] in displayTiddler(), get title from tiddler object (if needed).  Fixes errors caused when calling function passes a tiddler *object* instead of a tiddler *title*
2008.03.24 [1.8.3] include shadow tiddlers in breadcrumbs list.  Also changed settings so that "reordering" breadcrumbs is the default, instead of "trimming" the list
2007.12.04 [*.*.*] update for TW2.3.0: replaced deprecated core functions, regexps, and macros
2007.10.26 [1.8.2] documentation cleanup
2007.10.18 [1.8.1] in GetAreas(), use try/catch to avoid "Bad NPObject as private data" fatal error caused when embedded QuickTime player element is accessed by hasClass() function.
2007.10.02 [1.8.0] major documentation and code cleanup.  Moved config.breadCrumbs.* to config.macros.breadcrumbs.* to consolidate objects.  Also, fixed homeSeparator and crumbSeparator default handling.
2007.10.02 [1.7.0] added config.options.chkShowStartupBreadcrumbs option
2007.09.16 [1.6.1] in getAreas(), removed errant use of 'place' (was causing fatal error when creating default breadcrumbs display element).  Also, added chkCreateDefaultBreadcrumbs configuration setting to enable/disable automatic creation of a default breadcrumbs display.
2007.09.16 [1.6.0] re-wrote refresh() to enable multiple display instances, by finding elements with "breadCrumbs" classname.  Fallback to fixed ID (="breadCrumbs") is still used for backward-compatibility.  move rendering code from refresh() to separate render() function, and added definition for {{{<<breadCrumbs>>}}} macro to support embedding breadcrumbs displays in tiddler content.
2007.09.15 [] updated documentation
2007.09.15 [1.5.9] defined homeSeparator (" | ") and crumbSeparator (" > ") as object properties so that they can be redefined as desired for different layouts (e.g., using 'newline' for the crumbSeparator will arrange crumbs in a column rather than a row.
2007.06.21 [] in home(), return false to prevent IE from attempting to navigate away...
2007.05.26 [1.5.8] added support for {{{<<option chkReorderBreadcrumbs>>}}} to toggle trim vs. re-order behavior when visiting previously viewed tiddlers
2007.05.25 [1.5.7] added support for {{{<<option chkShowBreadcrumbs>>}}} to toggle //display// of breadcrumbs
2007.05.24 [1.5.6] in refresh(), remove non-existing tiddler titles from crumb list.  Also, hijack removeTiddler() so crumbs can be updated after tiddler is deleted.
2007.04.11 [1.5.5] added optional params to previousTiddler macro handler() to allow alternative label and tooltip text (instead of default "back")
2007.03.02 [1.5.4] in refresh(), for TW2.2, look for "storyDisplay" instead of "tiddlerDisplay" but keep fallback to "tiddlerDisplay" for TW2.1 or earlier
2007.02.24 [1.5.3] changed from hijack of onClickTiddlerLink to hijack of displayTiddler() so that ALL displayed tiddlers are recorded in the crumbs, including programmatically displayed tiddlers opened by macros, scripts, etc., (such as [[GotoPlugin]], among many others) in addition to those opened by clicks on links.
2007.02.24 [] eliminated global space clutter by moving function and data declarations so they are contained inside config.breadCrumbs object.
2007.02.06 [1.5.1] added "previousTiddler" macro (for use in sidebar)
2007.02.05 [1.5.0] added "previousTiddler" toolbar command (aka, "back")
2006.08.04 [] change spaces to tabs
2006.08.04 [1.4.0] modified from 1.4.0 distro: in refresh(), set {{{display:none/block}}} instead of {{{visibility:hidden/visible}}}.  In home(), check for valid crumbArea before setting style.
2006.08.02 [1.4.0] Fixed bug, the redefined onClickTiddlerLink_orig_breadCrumbs works incorrectly on IE
2006.07.20 [1.3.0] Runs compatibly with TW 2.1.0 (rev #403+)
2006.02.07 [1.2.0] change global array breadCrumbs to config.breadCrumbs by Eric's suggestion
2006.02.04 [1.1.0] JSLint checked
2006.02.01 [1.0.0] initial release
config.options['chkSinglePageMode'] = true;
<<formTiddler NewLawTemplate>><data>{"title":"US Copyright Act of 1976","pubinfo":"Official Gazzette 1976","lawlink":"http://www.copyright.gov/title17/92appa.html#aa-1","lawtopic":"Copyright","day":"01","year":"1976","month":"01"}</data>
|''Version:''|1.0.6 (2006-08-26)|
|''Author:''|UdoBorkowski (ub [at] abego-software [dot] de)|
|''Licence:''|[[BSD open source license]]|
|''TiddlyWiki:''|1.2.38+, 2.0|
|''Browser:''|Firefox 1.0.4+; InternetExplorer 6.0|
Enhance your tiddlers with structured data (such as strings, booleans, numbers, or even arrays and compound objects) that can be easily accessed and modified through named fields (in JavaScript code).

Such tiddler data can be used in various applications. E.g. you may create tables that collect data from various tiddlers. 

''//Example: "Table with all December Expenses"//''
        'tiddler.tags.contains("expense") && tiddler.data("month") == "Dec"'
        '"|[["+tiddler.title+"]]|"+tiddler.data("descr")+"| "+tiddler.data("amount")+"|\n"'
//(This assumes that expenses are stored in tiddlers tagged with "expense".)//
        'tiddler.tags.contains("expense") && tiddler.data("month") == "Dec"'
        '"|[["+tiddler.title+"]]|"+tiddler.data("descr")+"| "+tiddler.data("amount")+"|\n"'
For other examples see DataTiddlerExamples.

''Access and Modify Tiddler Data''

You can "attach" data to every tiddler by assigning a JavaScript value (such as a string, boolean, number, or even arrays and compound objects) to named fields. 

These values can be accessed and modified through the following Tiddler methods:
|{{{data(field)}}}|{{{t.data("age")}}}|Returns the value of the given data field of the tiddler. When no such field is defined or its value is undefined {{{undefined}}} is returned.|
|{{{data(field,defaultValue)}}}|{{{t.data("isVIP",false)}}}|Returns the value of the given data field of the tiddler. When no such field is defined or its value is undefined the defaultValue is returned.|
|{{{data()}}}|{{{t.data()}}}|Returns the data object of the tiddler, with a property for every field. The properties of the returned data object may only be read and not be modified. To modify the data use DataTiddler.setData(...) or the corresponding Tiddler method.|
|{{{setData(field,value)}}}|{{{t.setData("age",42)}}}|Sets the value of the given data field of the tiddler to the value. When the value is {{{undefined}}} the field is removed.|
|{{{setData(field,value,defaultValue)}}}|{{{t.setData("isVIP",flag,false)}}}|Sets the value of the given data field of the tiddler to the value. When the value is equal to the defaultValue no value is set (and the field is removed).|

Alternatively you may use the following functions to access and modify the data. In this case the tiddler argument is either a tiddler or the name of a tiddler.
|{{{DataTiddler.getData(tiddler,field)}}}|Returns the value of the given data field of the tiddler. When no such field is defined or its value is undefined {{{undefined}}} is returned.|
|{{{DataTiddler.getData(tiddler,field,defaultValue)}}}|Returns the value of the given data field of the tiddler. When no such field is defined or its value is undefined the defaultValue is returned.|
|{{{DataTiddler.getDataObject(tiddler)}}}|Returns the data object of the tiddler, with a property for every field. The properties of the returned data object may only be read and not be modified. To modify the data use DataTiddler.setData(...) or the corresponding Tiddler method.|
|{{{DataTiddler.setData(tiddler,field,value)}}}|Sets the value of the given data field of the tiddler to the value. When the value is {{{undefined}}} the field is removed.|
|{{{DataTiddler.setData(tiddler,field,value,defaultValue)}}}|Sets the value of the given data field of the tiddler to the value. When the value is equal to the defaultValue no value is set (and the field is removed).|
//(For details on the various functions see the detailed comments in the source code.)//

''Data Representation in a Tiddler''

The data of a tiddler is stored as plain text in the tiddler's content/text, inside a "data" section that is framed by a {{{<data>...</data>}}} block. Inside the data section the information is stored in the [[JSON format|http://www.crockford.com/JSON/index.html]]. 

//''Data Section Example:''//
<data>{"isVIP":true,"user":"John Brown","age":34}</data>

The data section is not displayed when viewing the tiddler (see also "The showData Macro").

Beside the data section a tiddler may have all kind of other content.

Typically you will not access the data section text directly but use the methods given above. Nevertheless you may retrieve the text of the data section's content through the {{{DataTiddler.getDataText(tiddler)}}} function.

''Saving Changes''

The "setData" methods respect the "ForceMinorUpdate" and "AutoSave" configuration values. I.e. when "ForceMinorUpdate" is true changing a value using setData will not affect the "modifier" and "modified" attributes. With "AutoSave" set to true every setData will directly save the changes after a setData.


No notifications are sent when a tiddler's data value is changed through the "setData" methods. 

''Escape Data Section''
In case that you want to use the text {{{<data>}}} or {{{</data>}}} in a tiddler text you must prefix the text with a tilde ('~'). Otherwise it may be wrongly considered as the data section. The tiddler text {{{~<data>}}} is displayed as {{{<data>}}}.

''The showData Macro''

By default the data of a tiddler (that is stored in the {{{<data>...</data>}}} section of the tiddler) is not displayed. If you want to display this data you may used the {{{<<showData ...>>}}} macro:

|>|{{{<<}}}''showData '' [''JSON''] [//tiddlerName//] {{{>>}}}|
|''JSON''|By default the data is rendered as a table with a "Name" and "Value" column. When defining ''JSON'' the data is rendered in JSON format|
|//tiddlerName//|Defines the tiddler holding the data to be displayed. When no tiddler is given the tiddler containing the showData macro is used. When the tiddler name contains spaces you must quote the name (or use the {{{[[...]]}}} syntax.)|
|>|~~Syntax formatting: Keywords in ''bold'', optional parts in [...]. 'or' means that exactly one of the two alternatives must exist.~~|

!Revision history
* v1.0.6 (2006-08-26) 
** Removed misleading comment
* v1.0.5 (2006-02-27) (Internal Release Only)
** Internal
*** Make "JSLint" conform
* v1.0.4 (2006-02-05)
** Bugfix: showData fails in TiddlyWiki 2.0
* v1.0.3 (2006-01-06)
** Support TiddlyWiki 2.0
* v1.0.2 (2005-12-22)
** Enhancements:
*** Handle texts "<data>" or "</data>" more robust when used in a tiddler text or as a field value.
*** Improved (JSON) error messages.
** Bugs fixed: 
*** References are not updated when using the DataTiddler.
*** Changes to compound objects are not always saved.
*** "~</data>" is not rendered correctly (expected "</data>")
* v1.0.1 (2005-12-13)
** Features: 
*** The showData macro supports an optional "tiddlername" argument to specify the tiddler containing the data to be displayed
** Bugs fixed: 
*** A script immediately following a data section is deleted when the data is changed. (Thanks to GeoffS for reporting.)
* v1.0.0 (2005-12-12)
** initial version

//                           DataTiddlerPlugin

// Ensure that the DataTiddler Plugin is only installed once.
if (!version.extensions.DataTiddlerPlugin) {

version.extensions.DataTiddlerPlugin = {
    major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 6,
    date: new Date(2006, 7, 26), 
    type: 'plugin',
    source: "http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/#DataTiddlerPlugin"

// For backward compatibility with v1.2.x
if (!window.story) window.story=window; 
if (!TiddlyWiki.prototype.getTiddler) {
	TiddlyWiki.prototype.getTiddler = function(title) { 
		var t = this.tiddlers[title]; 
		return (t !== undefined && t instanceof Tiddler) ? t : null; 

// DataTiddler Class

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configurations and constants 
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

function DataTiddler() {

DataTiddler = {
    // Function to stringify a JavaScript value, producing the text for the data section content.
    // (Must match the implementation of DataTiddler.parse.)
    stringify : null,

    // Function to parse the text for the data section content, producing a JavaScript value.
    // (Must match the implementation of DataTiddler.stringify.)
    parse : null

// Ensure access for IE
window.DataTiddler = DataTiddler;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Data Accessor and Mutator
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Returns the value of the given data field of the tiddler.
// When no such field is defined or its value is undefined
// the defaultValue is returned.
// @param tiddler either a tiddler name or a tiddler
DataTiddler.getData = function(tiddler, field, defaultValue) {
    var t = (typeof tiddler == "string") ? store.getTiddler(tiddler) : tiddler;
    if (!(t instanceof Tiddler)) {
        throw "Tiddler expected. Got "+tiddler;

    return DataTiddler.getTiddlerDataValue(t, field, defaultValue);

// Sets the value of the given data field of the tiddler to
// the value. When the value is equal to the defaultValue
// no value is set (and the field is removed)
// Changing data of a tiddler will not trigger notifications.
// @param tiddler either a tiddler name or a tiddler
DataTiddler.setData = function(tiddler, field, value, defaultValue) {
    var t = (typeof tiddler == "string") ? store.getTiddler(tiddler) : tiddler;
    if (!(t instanceof Tiddler)) {
        throw "Tiddler expected. Got "+tiddler+ "("+t+")";

    DataTiddler.setTiddlerDataValue(t, field, value, defaultValue);

// Returns the data object of the tiddler, with a property for every field.
// The properties of the returned data object may only be read and
// not be modified. To modify the data use DataTiddler.setData(...) 
// or the corresponding Tiddler method.
// If no data section is defined a new (empty) object is returned.
// @param tiddler either a tiddler name or a Tiddler
DataTiddler.getDataObject = function(tiddler) {
    var t = (typeof tiddler == "string") ? store.getTiddler(tiddler) : tiddler;
    if (!(t instanceof Tiddler)) {
        throw "Tiddler expected. Got "+tiddler;

    return DataTiddler.getTiddlerDataObject(t);

// Returns the text of the content of the data section of the tiddler.
// When no data section is defined for the tiddler null is returned 
// @param tiddler either a tiddler name or a Tiddler
// @return [may be null]
DataTiddler.getDataText = function(tiddler) {
    var t = (typeof tiddler == "string") ? store.getTiddler(tiddler) : tiddler;
    if (!(t instanceof Tiddler)) {
        throw "Tiddler expected. Got "+tiddler;

    return DataTiddler.readDataSectionText(t);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal helper methods (must not be used by code from outside this plugin)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Internal.
// The original JSONError is not very user friendly, 
// especially it does not define a toString() method
// Therefore we extend it here.
DataTiddler.extendJSONError = function(ex) {
	if (ex.name == 'JSONError') {
        ex.toString = function() {
			return ex.name + ": "+ex.message+" ("+ex.text+")";
	return ex;

// Internal.
// @param t a Tiddler
DataTiddler.getTiddlerDataObject = function(t) {
    if (t.dataObject === undefined) {
        var data = DataTiddler.readData(t);
        t.dataObject = (data) ? data : {};
    return t.dataObject;

// Internal.
// @param tiddler a Tiddler
DataTiddler.getTiddlerDataValue = function(tiddler, field, defaultValue) {
    var value = DataTiddler.getTiddlerDataObject(tiddler)[field];
    return (value === undefined) ? defaultValue : value;

// Internal.
// @param tiddler a Tiddler
DataTiddler.setTiddlerDataValue = function(tiddler, field, value, defaultValue) {
    var data = DataTiddler.getTiddlerDataObject(tiddler);
    var oldValue = data[field];
    if (value == defaultValue) {
        if (oldValue !== undefined) {
            delete data[field];
    data[field] = value;

// Internal.
// Reads the data section from the tiddler's content and returns its text
// (as a String).
// Returns null when no data is defined.
// @param tiddler a Tiddler
// @return [may be null]
DataTiddler.readDataSectionText = function(tiddler) {
    var matches = DataTiddler.getDataTiddlerMatches(tiddler);
    if (matches === null || !matches[2]) {
        return null;
    return matches[2];

// Internal.
// Reads the data section from the tiddler's content and returns it
// (as an internalized object).
// Returns null when no data is defined.
// @param tiddler a Tiddler
// @return [may be null]
DataTiddler.readData = function(tiddler) {
    var text = DataTiddler.readDataSectionText(tiddler);
	try {
	    return text ? DataTiddler.parse(text) : null;
	} catch(ex) {
		throw DataTiddler.extendJSONError(ex);

// Internal.
// Returns the serialized text of the data of the given tiddler, as it
// should be stored in the data section.
// @param tiddler a Tiddler
DataTiddler.getDataTextOfTiddler = function(tiddler) {
    var data = DataTiddler.getTiddlerDataObject(tiddler);
    return DataTiddler.stringify(data);

// Internal.
DataTiddler.indexOfNonEscapedText = function(s, subString, startIndex) {
	var index = s.indexOf(subString, startIndex);
	while ((index > 0) && (s[index-1] == '~')) { 
		index = s.indexOf(subString, index+1);
	return index;

// Internal.
DataTiddler.getDataSectionInfo = function(text) {
	// Special care must be taken to handle "<data>" and "</data>" texts inside
	// a data section. 
	// Also take care not to use an escaped <data> (i.e. "~<data>") as the start 
	// of a data section. (Same for </data>)

    // NOTE: we are explicitly searching for a data section that contains a JSON
    // string, i.e. framed with braces. This way we are little bit more robust in
    // case the tiddler contains unescaped texts "<data>" or "</data>". This must
    // be changed when using a different stringifier.

	var startTagText = "<data>{";
	var endTagText = "}</data>";

	var startPos = 0;

	// Find the first not escaped "<data>".
	var startDataTagIndex = DataTiddler.indexOfNonEscapedText(text, startTagText, 0);
	if (startDataTagIndex < 0) {
		return null;

	// Find the *last* not escaped "</data>".
	var endDataTagIndex = text.indexOf(endTagText, startDataTagIndex);
	if (endDataTagIndex < 0) {
		return null;
	var nextEndDataTagIndex;
	while ((nextEndDataTagIndex = text.indexOf(endTagText, endDataTagIndex+1)) >= 0) {
		endDataTagIndex = nextEndDataTagIndex;

	return {
		prefixEnd: startDataTagIndex, 
		dataStart: startDataTagIndex+(startTagText.length)-1, 
		dataEnd: endDataTagIndex, 
		suffixStart: endDataTagIndex+(endTagText.length)

// Internal.
// Returns the "matches" of a content of a DataTiddler on the
// "data" regular expression. Return null when no data is defined
// in the tiddler content.
// Group 1: text before data section (prefix)
// Group 2: content of data section
// Group 3: text behind data section (suffix)
// @param tiddler a Tiddler
// @return [may be null] null when the tiddler contains no data section, otherwise see above.
DataTiddler.getDataTiddlerMatches = function(tiddler) {
	var text = tiddler.text;
	var info = DataTiddler.getDataSectionInfo(text);
	if (!info) {
		return null;

	var prefix = text.substr(0,info.prefixEnd);
	var data = text.substr(info.dataStart, info.dataEnd-info.dataStart+1);
	var suffix = text.substr(info.suffixStart);
	return [text, prefix, data, suffix];

// Internal.
// Saves the data in a <data> block of the given tiddler (as a minor change). 
// The "chkAutoSave" and "chkForceMinorUpdate" options are respected. 
// I.e. the TiddlyWiki *file* is only saved when AutoSave is on.
// Notifications are not send. 
// This method should only be called when the data really has changed. 
// @param tiddler
//             the tiddler to be saved.
DataTiddler.save = function(tiddler) {

    var matches = DataTiddler.getDataTiddlerMatches(tiddler);

    var prefix;
    var suffix;
    if (matches === null) {
        prefix = tiddler.text;
        suffix = "";
    } else {
        prefix = matches[1];
        suffix = matches[3];

    var dataText = DataTiddler.getDataTextOfTiddler(tiddler);
    var newText = 
            (dataText !== null) 
                ? prefix + "<data>" + dataText + "</data>" + suffix
                : prefix + suffix;
    if (newText != tiddler.text) {
        // make the change in the tiddlers text
        // ... see DataTiddler.MyTiddlerChangedFunction
        tiddler.isDataTiddlerChange = true;
        // ... do the action change
                config.options.chkForceMinorUpdate? undefined : new Date(),

        // ... see DataTiddler.MyTiddlerChangedFunction
        delete tiddler.isDataTiddlerChange;

        // Mark the store as dirty.
        store.dirty = true;
        // AutoSave if option is selected
        if(config.options.chkAutoSave) {

// Internal.
DataTiddler.MyTiddlerChangedFunction = function() {
    // Remove the data object from the tiddler when the tiddler is changed
    // by code other than DataTiddler code. 
    // This is necessary since the data object is just a "cached version" 
    // of the data defined in the data section of the tiddler and the 
    // "external" change may have changed the content of the data section.
    // Thus we are not sure if the data object reflects the data section 
    // contents. 
    // By deleting the data object we ensure that the data object is 
    // reconstructed the next time it is needed, with the data defined by
    // the data section in the tiddler's text.
    // To indicate that a change is a "DataTiddler change" a temporary
    // property "isDataTiddlerChange" is added to the tiddler.
    if (this.dataObject && !this.isDataTiddlerChange) {
        delete this.dataObject;
    // call the original code.
	DataTiddler.originalTiddlerChangedFunction.apply(this, arguments);

// Formatters

// This formatter ensures that "~<data>" is rendered as "<data>". This is used to 
// escape the "<data>" of a data section, just in case someone really wants to use
// "<data>" as a text in a tiddler and not start a data section.
// Same for </data>.
config.formatters.push( {
    name: "data-escape",
    match: "~<\\/?data>",

    handler: function(w) {
            w.outputText(w.output,w.matchStart + 1,w.nextMatch);
} );

// This formatter ensures that <data>...</data> sections are not rendered.
config.formatters.push( {
    name: "data",
    match: "<data>",

    handler: function(w) {
		var info = DataTiddler.getDataSectionInfo(w.source);
		if (info && info.prefixEnd == w.matchStart) {
            w.nextMatch = info.suffixStart;
		} else {
} );

// Tiddler Class Extension

// "Hijack" the changed method ---------------------------------------------------

DataTiddler.originalTiddlerChangedFunction = Tiddler.prototype.changed;
Tiddler.prototype.changed = DataTiddler.MyTiddlerChangedFunction;

// Define accessor methods -------------------------------------------------------

// Returns the value of the given data field of the tiddler. When no such field 
// is defined or its value is undefined the defaultValue is returned.
// When field is undefined (or null) the data object is returned. (See 
// DataTiddler.getDataObject.)
// @param field [may be null, undefined]
// @param defaultValue [may be null, undefined]
// @return [may be null, undefined]
Tiddler.prototype.data = function(field, defaultValue) {
    return (field) 
         ? DataTiddler.getTiddlerDataValue(this, field, defaultValue)
         : DataTiddler.getTiddlerDataObject(this);

// Sets the value of the given data field of the tiddler to the value. When the 
// value is equal to the defaultValue no value is set (and the field is removed).
// @param value [may be null, undefined]
// @param defaultValue [may be null, undefined]
Tiddler.prototype.setData = function(field, value, defaultValue) {
    DataTiddler.setTiddlerDataValue(this, field, value, defaultValue);

// showData Macro

config.macros.showData = {
     // Standard Properties
     label: "showData",
     prompt: "Display the values stored in the data section of the tiddler"

config.macros.showData.handler = function(place,macroName,params) {
    // --- Parsing ------------------------------------------

    var i = 0; // index running over the params
    // Parse the optional "JSON"
    var showInJSONFormat = false;
    if ((i < params.length) && params[i] == "JSON") {
        showInJSONFormat = true;
    var tiddlerName = story.findContainingTiddler(place).id.substr(7);
    if (i < params.length) {
        tiddlerName = params[i];

    // --- Processing ------------------------------------------
    try {
        if (showInJSONFormat) {
            this.renderDataInJSONFormat(place, tiddlerName);
        } else {
            this.renderDataAsTable(place, tiddlerName);
    } catch (e) {
        this.createErrorElement(place, e);

config.macros.showData.renderDataInJSONFormat = function(place,tiddlerName) {
    var text = DataTiddler.getDataText(tiddlerName);
    if (text) {

config.macros.showData.renderDataAsTable = function(place,tiddlerName) {
    var text = "|!Name|!Value|\n";
    var data = DataTiddler.getDataObject(tiddlerName);
    if (data) {
        for (var i in data) {
            var value = data[i];
            text += "|"+i+"|"+DataTiddler.stringify(value)+"|\n";
    wikify(text, place);

// Internal.
// Creates an element that holds an error message
config.macros.showData.createErrorElement = function(place, exception) {
    var message = (exception.description) ? exception.description : exception.toString();
    return createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,"showDataError","<<showData ...>>: "+message);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stylesheet Extensions (may be overridden by local StyleSheet)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ".showDataError{color: #ffffff;background-color: #880000;}",

} // of "install only once"
// Used Globals (for JSLint) ==============

// ... TiddlyWiki Core
/*global 	createTiddlyElement, saveChanges, store, story, wikify */
// ... DataTiddler
/*global 	DataTiddler */
// ... JSON
/*global 	JSON */

!JSON Code, used to serialize the data
Copyright (c) 2005 JSON.org

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.


    The global object JSON contains two methods.

    JSON.stringify(value) takes a JavaScript value and produces a JSON text.
    The value must not be cyclical.

    JSON.parse(text) takes a JSON text and produces a JavaScript value. It will
    throw a 'JSONError' exception if there is an error.
var JSON = {
    copyright: '(c)2005 JSON.org',
    license: 'http://www.crockford.com/JSON/license.html',
    Stringify a JavaScript value, producing a JSON text.
    stringify: function (v) {
        var a = [];

    Emit a string.
        function e(s) {
            a[a.length] = s;

    Convert a value.
        function g(x) {
            var c, i, l, v;

            switch (typeof x) {
            case 'object':
                if (x) {
                    if (x instanceof Array) {
                        l = a.length;
                        for (i = 0; i < x.length; i += 1) {
                            v = x[i];
                            if (typeof v != 'undefined' &&
                                    typeof v != 'function') {
                                if (l < a.length) {
                    } else if (typeof x.toString != 'undefined') {
                        l = a.length;
                        for (i in x) {
                            v = x[i];
                            if (x.hasOwnProperty(i) &&
                                    typeof v != 'undefined' &&
                                    typeof v != 'function') {
                                if (l < a.length) {
                        return e('}');
            case 'number':
                e(isFinite(x) ? +x : 'null');
            case 'string':
                l = x.length;
                for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) {
                    c = x.charAt(i);
                    if (c >= ' ') {
                        if (c == '\\' || c == '"') {
                    } else {
                        switch (c) {
                            case '\b':
                            case '\f':
                            case '\n':
                            case '\r':
                            case '\t':
                                c = c.charCodeAt();
                                e('\\u00' + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) +
                                    (c % 16).toString(16));
            case 'boolean':
        return a.join('');
    Parse a JSON text, producing a JavaScript value.
    parse: function (text) {
        var p = /^\s*(([,:{}\[\]])|"(\\.|[^\x00-\x1f"\\])*"|-?\d+(\.\d*)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?|true|false|null)\s*/,

        function error(m, t) {
            throw {
                name: 'JSONError',
                message: m,
                text: t || operator || token

        function next(b) {
            if (b && b != operator) {
                error("Expected '" + b + "'");
            if (text) {
                var t = p.exec(text);
                if (t) {
                    if (t[2]) {
                        token = null;
                        operator = t[2];
                    } else {
                        operator = null;
                        try {
                            token = eval(t[1]);
                        } catch (e) {
                            error("Bad token", t[1]);
                    text = text.substring(t[0].length);
                } else {
                    error("Unrecognized token", text);
            } else {
                token = operator = undefined;

        function val() {
            var k, o;
            switch (operator) {
            case '{':
                o = {};
                if (operator != '}') {
                    for (;;) {
                        if (operator || typeof token != 'string') {
                            error("Missing key");
                        k = token;
                        o[k] = val();
                        if (operator != ',') {
                return o;
            case '[':
                o = [];
                if (operator != ']') {
                    for (;;) {
                        if (operator != ',') {
                return o;
                if (operator !== null) {
                    error("Missing value");
                k = token;
                return k;
        return val();

!Setup the data serialization

DataTiddler.format = "JSON";
DataTiddler.stringify = JSON.stringify;
DataTiddler.parse = JSON.parse;


This tiddler is to contain all the decisions (court decisions and resolutions) added to the file which contain the tag "decision". They must appear sorted by date they were passed.

The ideal format to appear would be:
* Decision Number - Court / Public Body [[more info]]
* Decision Number - Court / Public Body [[more info]]
* Decision Number - Court / Public Body [[more info]]
* Decision Number - Court / Public Body [[more info]]
* Decision Number - Court / Public Body [[more info]]
This tiddler is to contain all the decisions (court decisions and resolutions) added to the file which contain the tag "decision". They must appear sorted by topic. Topics are those contained in the tiddler [[TOPICS]]

The ideal format to appear would be:
!!! TOPIC1
* Decision Number - Date Passed - Court / Public Body [[more info]]
* Decision Number - Date Passed - Court / Public Body [[more info]]
!!! TOPIC2
* Decision Number - Date Passed - Court / Public Body [[more info]]
* Decision Number - Date Passed - Court / Public Body [[more info]]
* Decision Number - Date Passed - Court / Public Body [[more info]]
|''Version:''|1.0.5 (2006-02-05)|
|''Author:''|UdoBorkowski (ub [at] abego-software [dot] de)|
|''Licence:''|[[BSD open source license]]|
|''Macros:''|[[ForEachTiddlerMacro]] v1.0.5|
|''TiddlyWiki:''|1.2.38+, 2.0|
|''Browser:''|Firefox 1.0.4+; Firefox 1.5; InternetExplorer 6.0|

Create customizable lists, tables etc. for your selections of tiddlers. Specify the tiddlers to include and their order through a powerful language.

|>|{{{<<}}}''forEachTiddler'' [''in'' //tiddlyWikiPath//] [''where'' //whereCondition//] [''sortBy'' //sortExpression// [''ascending'' //or// ''descending'']] [''script'' //scriptText//] [//action// [//actionParameters//]]{{{>>}}}|
|//tiddlyWikiPath//|The filepath to the TiddlyWiki the macro should work on. When missing the current TiddlyWiki is used.|
|//whereCondition//|(quoted) JavaScript boolean expression. May refer to the build-in variables {{{tiddler}}} and {{{context}}}.|
|//sortExpression//|(quoted) JavaScript expression returning "comparable" objects (using '{{{<}}}','{{{>}}}','{{{==}}}'. May refer to the build-in variables {{{tiddler}}} and {{{context}}}.|
|//scriptText//|(quoted) JavaScript text. Typically defines JavaScript functions that are called by the various JavaScript expressions (whereClause, sortClause, action arguments,...)|
|//action//|The action that should be performed on every selected tiddler, in the given order. By default the actions [[addToList|AddToListAction]] and [[write|WriteAction]] are supported. When no action is specified [[addToList|AddToListAction]] is used.|
|//actionParameters//|(action specific) parameters the action may refer while processing the tiddlers (see action descriptions for details). <<tiddler [[JavaScript in actionParameters]]>>|
|>|~~Syntax formatting: Keywords in ''bold'', optional parts in [...]. 'or' means that exactly one of the two alternatives must exist.~~|

See details see [[ForEachTiddlerMacro]] and [[ForEachTiddlerExamples]].

!Revision history
* v1.0.5
** Pass tiddler containing the macro with wikify, context object also holds reference to tiddler containing the macro ("inTiddler"). Thanks to SimonBaird.
** Support Firefox
** Internal
*** Make "JSLint" conform
*** "Only install once"
* v1.0.4 (2006-01-06)
** Support TiddlyWiki 2.0
* v1.0.3 (2005-12-22)
** Features: 
*** Write output to a file supports multi-byte environments (Thanks to Bram Chen) 
*** Provide API to access the forEachTiddler functionality directly through JavaScript (see getTiddlers and performMacro)
** Enhancements:
*** Improved error messages on InternetExplorer.
* v1.0.2 (2005-12-10)
** Features: 
*** context object also holds reference to store (TiddlyWiki)
** Fixed Bugs: 
*** ForEachTiddler 1.0.1 has broken support on win32 Opera 8.51 (Thanks to BrunoSabin for reporting)
* v1.0.1 (2005-12-08)
** Features: 
*** Access tiddlers stored in separated TiddlyWikis through the "in" option. I.e. you are no longer limited to only work on the "current TiddlyWiki".
*** Write output to an external file using the "toFile" option of the "write" action. With this option you may write your customized tiddler exports.
*** Use the "script" section to define "helper" JavaScript functions etc. to be used in the various JavaScript expressions (whereClause, sortClause, action arguments,...).
*** Access and store context information for the current forEachTiddler invocation (through the build-in "context" object) .
*** Improved script evaluation (for where/sort clause and write scripts).
* v1.0.0 (2005-11-20)
** initial version


// ForEachTiddlerPlugin

// Only install once
if (!version.extensions.ForEachTiddlerPlugin) {

version.extensions.ForEachTiddlerPlugin = {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 5, date: new Date(2006,2,5), source: "http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/#ForEachTiddlergPlugin"};

// For backward compatibility with TW 1.2.x
if (!TiddlyWiki.prototype.forEachTiddler) {
 TiddlyWiki.prototype.forEachTiddler = function(callback) {
 for(var t in this.tiddlers) {

// forEachTiddler Macro

version.extensions.forEachTiddler = {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 5, date: new Date(2006,2,5), provider: "http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de"};

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configurations and constants 
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

config.macros.forEachTiddler = {
 // Standard Properties
 label: "forEachTiddler",
 prompt: "Perform actions on a (sorted) selection of tiddlers",

 // actions
 actions: {
 addToList: {},
 write: {}

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The forEachTiddler Macro Handler 
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

config.macros.forEachTiddler.getContainingTiddler = function(e) {
 while(e && !hasClass(e,"tiddler"))
 e = e.parentNode;
 var title = e ? e.getAttribute("tiddler") : null; 
 return title ? store.getTiddler(title) : null;

config.macros.forEachTiddler.handler = function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
 // config.macros.forEachTiddler.traceMacroCall(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler);

 if (!tiddler) tiddler = config.macros.forEachTiddler.getContainingTiddler(place);
 // --- Parsing ------------------------------------------

 var i = 0; // index running over the params
 // Parse the "in" clause
 var tiddlyWikiPath = undefined;
 if ((i < params.length) && params[i] == "in") {
 if (i >= params.length) {
 this.handleError(place, "TiddlyWiki path expected behind 'in'.");
 tiddlyWikiPath = this.paramEncode((i < params.length) ? params[i] : "");

 // Parse the where clause
 var whereClause ="true";
 if ((i < params.length) && params[i] == "where") {
 whereClause = this.paramEncode((i < params.length) ? params[i] : "");

 // Parse the sort stuff
 var sortClause = null;
 var sortAscending = true; 
 if ((i < params.length) && params[i] == "sortBy") {
 if (i >= params.length) {
 this.handleError(place, "sortClause missing behind 'sortBy'.");
 sortClause = this.paramEncode(params[i]);

 if ((i < params.length) && (params[i] == "ascending" || params[i] == "descending")) {
 sortAscending = params[i] == "ascending";

 // Parse the script
 var scriptText = null;
 if ((i < params.length) && params[i] == "script") {
 scriptText = this.paramEncode((i < params.length) ? params[i] : "");

 // Parse the action. 
 // When we are already at the end use the default action
 var actionName = "addToList";
 if (i < params.length) {
 if (!config.macros.forEachTiddler.actions[params[i]]) {
 this.handleError(place, "Unknown action '"+params[i]+"'.");
 } else {
 actionName = params[i]; 
 // Get the action parameter
 // (the parsing is done inside the individual action implementation.)
 var actionParameter = params.slice(i);

 // --- Processing ------------------------------------------
 try {
 place: place, 
 inTiddler: tiddler,
 whereClause: whereClause, 
 sortClause: sortClause, 
 sortAscending: sortAscending, 
 actionName: actionName, 
 actionParameter: actionParameter, 
 scriptText: scriptText, 
 tiddlyWikiPath: tiddlyWikiPath});

 } catch (e) {
 this.handleError(place, e);

// Returns an object with properties "tiddlers" and "context".
// tiddlers holds the (sorted) tiddlers selected by the parameter,
// context the context of the execution of the macro.
// The action is not yet performed.
// @parameter see performMacro
config.macros.forEachTiddler.getTiddlersAndContext = function(parameter) {

 var context = config.macros.forEachTiddler.createContext(parameter.place, parameter.whereClause, parameter.sortClause, parameter.sortAscending, parameter.actionName, parameter.actionParameter, parameter.scriptText, parameter.tiddlyWikiPath, parameter.inTiddler);

 var tiddlyWiki = parameter.tiddlyWikiPath ? this.loadTiddlyWiki(parameter.tiddlyWikiPath) : store;
 context["tiddlyWiki"] = tiddlyWiki;
 // Get the tiddlers, as defined by the whereClause
 var tiddlers = this.findTiddlers(parameter.whereClause, context, tiddlyWiki);
 context["tiddlers"] = tiddlers;

 // Sort the tiddlers, when sorting is required.
 if (parameter.sortClause) {
 this.sortTiddlers(tiddlers, parameter.sortClause, parameter.sortAscending, context);

 return {tiddlers: tiddlers, context: context};

// Returns the (sorted) tiddlers selected by the parameter.
// The action is not yet performed.
// @parameter see performMacro
config.macros.forEachTiddler.getTiddlers = function(parameter) {
 return this.getTiddlersAndContext(parameter).tiddlers;

// Performs the macros with the given parameter.
// @param parameter holds the parameter of the macro as separate properties.
// The following properties are supported:
// place
// whereClause
// sortClause
// sortAscending
// actionName
// actionParameter
// scriptText
// tiddlyWikiPath
// All properties are optional. 
// For most actions the place property must be defined.
config.macros.forEachTiddler.performMacro = function(parameter) {
 var tiddlersAndContext = this.getTiddlersAndContext(parameter);

 // Perform the action
 var actionName = parameter.actionName ? parameter.actionName : "addToList";
 var action = config.macros.forEachTiddler.actions[actionName];
 if (!action) {
 this.handleError(parameter.place, "Unknown action '"+actionName+"'.");

 var actionHandler = action.handler;
 actionHandler(parameter.place, tiddlersAndContext.tiddlers, parameter.actionParameter, tiddlersAndContext.context);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The actions 
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Internal.
// --- The addToList Action -----------------------------------------------
config.macros.forEachTiddler.actions.addToList.handler = function(place, tiddlers, parameter, context) {
 // Parse the parameter
 var p = 0;

 // Check for extra parameters
 if (parameter.length > p) {
 config.macros.forEachTiddler.createExtraParameterErrorElement(place, "addToList", parameter, p);

 // Perform the action.
 var list = document.createElement("ul");
 for (var i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
 var tiddler = tiddlers[i];
 var listItem = document.createElement("li");
 createTiddlyLink(listItem, tiddler.title, true);

// Internal.
// --- The write Action ---------------------------------------------------
config.macros.forEachTiddler.actions.write.handler = function(place, tiddlers, parameter, context) {
 // Parse the parameter
 var p = 0;
 if (p >= parameter.length) {
 this.handleError(place, "Missing expression behind 'write'.");

 var textExpression = config.macros.forEachTiddler.paramEncode(parameter[p]);

 // Parse the "toFile" option
 var filename = null;
 var lineSeparator = undefined;
 if ((p < parameter.length) && parameter[p] == "toFile") {
 if (p >= parameter.length) {
 this.handleError(place, "Filename expected behind 'toFile' of 'write' action.");
 filename = config.macros.forEachTiddler.getLocalPath(config.macros.forEachTiddler.paramEncode(parameter[p]));
 if ((p < parameter.length) && parameter[p] == "withLineSeparator") {
 if (p >= parameter.length) {
 this.handleError(place, "Line separator text expected behind 'withLineSeparator' of 'write' action.");
 lineSeparator = config.macros.forEachTiddler.paramEncode(parameter[p]);
 // Check for extra parameters
 if (parameter.length > p) {
 config.macros.forEachTiddler.createExtraParameterErrorElement(place, "write", parameter, p);

 // Perform the action.
 var func = config.macros.forEachTiddler.getEvalTiddlerFunction(textExpression, context);
 var count = tiddlers.length;
 var text = "";
 for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 var tiddler = tiddlers[i];
 text += func(tiddler, context, count, i);
 if (filename) {
 if (lineSeparator !== undefined) {
 lineSeparator = lineSeparator.replace(/\\n/mg, "\n").replace(/\\r/mg, "\r");
 text = text.replace(/\n/mg,lineSeparator);
 saveFile(filename, convertUnicodeToUTF8(text));
 } else {
 var wrapper = createTiddlyElement(place, "span");
 wikify(text, wrapper, null/* highlightRegExp */, context.inTiddler);

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Internal.
config.macros.forEachTiddler.createContext = function(placeParam, whereClauseParam, sortClauseParam, sortAscendingParam, actionNameParam, actionParameterParam, scriptText, tiddlyWikiPathParam, inTiddlerParam) {
 return {
 place : placeParam, 
 whereClause : whereClauseParam, 
 sortClause : sortClauseParam, 
 sortAscending : sortAscendingParam, 
 script : scriptText,
 actionName : actionNameParam, 
 actionParameter : actionParameterParam,
 tiddlyWikiPath : tiddlyWikiPathParam,
 inTiddler : inTiddlerParam

// Internal.
// Returns a TiddlyWiki with the tiddlers loaded from the TiddlyWiki of 
// the given path.
config.macros.forEachTiddler.loadTiddlyWiki = function(path, idPrefix) {
 if (!idPrefix) {
 idPrefix = "store";
 var lenPrefix = idPrefix.length;
 // Read the content of the given file
 var content = loadFile(this.getLocalPath(path));
 if(content === null) {
 throw "TiddlyWiki '"+path+"' not found.";
 // Locate the storeArea div's
 var posOpeningDiv = content.indexOf(startSaveArea);
 var posClosingDiv = content.lastIndexOf(endSaveArea);
 if((posOpeningDiv == -1) || (posClosingDiv == -1)) {
 throw "File '"+path+"' is not a TiddlyWiki.";
 var storageText = content.substr(posOpeningDiv + startSaveArea.length, posClosingDiv);
 // Create a "div" element that contains the storage text
 var myStorageDiv = document.createElement("div");
 myStorageDiv.innerHTML = storageText;
 // Create all tiddlers in a new TiddlyWiki
 // (following code is modified copy of TiddlyWiki.prototype.loadFromDiv)
 var tiddlyWiki = new TiddlyWiki();
 var store = myStorageDiv.childNodes;
 for(var t = 0; t < store.length; t++) {
 var e = store[t];
 var title = null;
 title = e.getAttribute("tiddler");
 if(!title && e.id && e.id.substr(0,lenPrefix) == idPrefix)
 title = e.id.substr(lenPrefix);
 if(title && title !== "") {
 var tiddler = tiddlyWiki.createTiddler(title);
 tiddlyWiki.dirty = false;

 return tiddlyWiki;

// Internal.
// Returns a function that has a function body returning the given javaScriptExpression.
// The function has the parameters:
// (tiddler, context, count, index)
config.macros.forEachTiddler.getEvalTiddlerFunction = function (javaScriptExpression, context) {
 var script = context["script"];
 var functionText = "var theFunction = function(tiddler, context, count, index) { return "+javaScriptExpression+"}";
 var fullText = (script ? script+";" : "")+functionText+";theFunction;";
 return eval(fullText);

// Internal.
config.macros.forEachTiddler.findTiddlers = function(whereClause, context, tiddlyWiki) {
 var result = [];
 var func = config.macros.forEachTiddler.getEvalTiddlerFunction(whereClause, context);
 tiddlyWiki.forEachTiddler(function(title,tiddler) {
 if (func(tiddler, context, undefined, undefined)) {
 return result;

// Internal.
config.macros.forEachTiddler.createExtraParameterErrorElement = function(place, actionName, parameter, firstUnusedIndex) {
 var message = "Extra parameter behind '"+actionName+"':";
 for (var i = firstUnusedIndex; i < parameter.length; i++) {
 message += " "+parameter[i];
 this.handleError(place, message);

// Internal.
config.macros.forEachTiddler.sortAscending = function(tiddlerA, tiddlerB) {
 var result = 
 (tiddlerA.forEachTiddlerSortValue == tiddlerB.forEachTiddlerSortValue) 
 ? 0
 : (tiddlerA.forEachTiddlerSortValue < tiddlerB.forEachTiddlerSortValue)
 ? -1 
 : +1; 
 return result;

// Internal.
config.macros.forEachTiddler.sortDescending = function(tiddlerA, tiddlerB) {
 var result = 
 (tiddlerA.forEachTiddlerSortValue == tiddlerB.forEachTiddlerSortValue) 
 ? 0
 : (tiddlerA.forEachTiddlerSortValue < tiddlerB.forEachTiddlerSortValue)
 ? +1 
 : -1; 
 return result;

// Internal.
config.macros.forEachTiddler.sortTiddlers = function(tiddlers, sortClause, ascending, context) {
 // To avoid evaluating the sortClause whenever two items are compared 
 // we pre-calculate the sortValue for every item in the array and store it in a 
 // temporary property ("forEachTiddlerSortValue") of the tiddlers.
 var func = config.macros.forEachTiddler.getEvalTiddlerFunction(sortClause, context);
 var count = tiddlers.length;
 var i;
 for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 var tiddler = tiddlers[i];
 tiddler.forEachTiddlerSortValue = func(tiddler,context, undefined, undefined);

 // Do the sorting
 tiddlers.sort(ascending ? this.sortAscending : this.sortDescending);

 // Delete the temporary property that holds the sortValue. 
 for (i = 0; i < tiddlers.length; i++) {
 delete tiddlers[i].forEachTiddlerSortValue;

// Internal.
config.macros.forEachTiddler.trace = function(message) {

// Internal.
config.macros.forEachTiddler.traceMacroCall = function(place,macroName,params) {
 var message ="<<"+macroName;
 for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
 message += " "+params[i];
 message += ">>";

// Internal.
// Creates an element that holds an error message
config.macros.forEachTiddler.createErrorElement = function(place, exception) {
 var message = (exception.description) ? exception.description : exception.toString();
 return createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,"forEachTiddlerError","<<forEachTiddler ...>>: "+message);

// Internal.
// @param place [may be null]
config.macros.forEachTiddler.handleError = function(place, exception) {
 if (place) {
 this.createErrorElement(place, exception);
 } else {
 throw exception;

// Internal.
// Encodes the given string.
// Replaces 
// "$))" to ">>"
// "$)" to ">"
config.macros.forEachTiddler.paramEncode = function(s) {
 var reGTGT = new RegExp("\\$\\)\\)","mg");
 var reGT = new RegExp("\\$\\)","mg");
 return s.replace(reGTGT, ">>").replace(reGT, ">");

// Internal.
// Returns the given original path (that is a file path, starting with "file:")
// as a path to a local file, in the systems native file format.
// Location information in the originalPath (i.e. the "#" and stuff following)
// is stripped.
config.macros.forEachTiddler.getLocalPath = function(originalPath) {
 // Remove any location part of the URL
 var hashPos = originalPath.indexOf("#");
 if(hashPos != -1)
 originalPath = originalPath.substr(0,hashPos);
 // Convert to a native file format assuming
 // "file:///x:/path/path/path..." - pc local file --> "x:\path\path\path..."
 // "file://///server/share/path/path/path..." - FireFox pc network file --> "\\server\share\path\path\path..."
 // "file:///path/path/path..." - mac/unix local file --> "/path/path/path..."
 // "file://server/share/path/path/path..." - pc network file --> "\\server\share\path\path\path..."
 var localPath;
 if(originalPath.charAt(9) == ":") // pc local file
 localPath = unescape(originalPath.substr(8)).replace(new RegExp("/","g"),"\\");
 else if(originalPath.indexOf("file://///") === 0) // FireFox pc network file
 localPath = "\\\\" + unescape(originalPath.substr(10)).replace(new RegExp("/","g"),"\\");
 else if(originalPath.indexOf("file:///") === 0) // mac/unix local file
 localPath = unescape(originalPath.substr(7));
 else if(originalPath.indexOf("file:/") === 0) // mac/unix local file
 localPath = unescape(originalPath.substr(5));
 else // pc network file
 localPath = "\\\\" + unescape(originalPath.substr(7)).replace(new RegExp("/","g"),"\\"); 
 return localPath;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stylesheet Extensions (may be overridden by local StyleSheet)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ".forEachTiddlerError{color: #ffffff;background-color: #880000;}",

// End of forEachTiddler Macro

// String.startsWith Function
// Returns true if the string starts with the given prefix, false otherwise.
version.extensions["String.startsWith"] = {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0, date: new Date(2005,11,20), provider: "http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de"};
String.prototype.startsWith = function(prefix) {
 var n = prefix.length;
 return (this.length >= n) && (this.slice(0, n) == prefix);

// String.endsWith Function
// Returns true if the string ends with the given suffix, false otherwise.
version.extensions["String.endsWith"] = {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0, date: new Date(2005,11,20), provider: "http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de"};
String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix) {
 var n = suffix.length;
 return (this.length >= n) && (this.right(n) == suffix);

// String.contains Function
// Returns true when the string contains the given substring, false otherwise.
version.extensions["String.contains"] = {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0, date: new Date(2005,11,20), provider: "http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de"};
String.prototype.contains = function(substring) {
 return this.indexOf(substring) >= 0;

// Array.indexOf Function
// Returns the index of the first occurance of the given item in the array or 
// -1 when no such item exists.
// @param item [may be null]
version.extensions["Array.indexOf"] = {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0, date: new Date(2005,11,20), provider: "http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de"};
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(item) {
 for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
 if (this[i] == item) {
 return i;
 return -1;

// Array.contains Function
// Returns true when the array contains the given item, otherwise false. 
// @param item [may be null]
version.extensions["Array.contains"] = {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0, date: new Date(2005,11,20), provider: "http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de"};
Array.prototype.contains = function(item) {
 return (this.indexOf(item) >= 0);

// Array.containsAny Function
// Returns true when the array contains at least one of the elements 
// of the item. Otherwise (or when items contains no elements) false is returned.
version.extensions["Array.containsAny"] = {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0, date: new Date(2005,11,20), provider: "http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de"};
Array.prototype.containsAny = function(items) {
 for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
 if (this.contains(items[i])) {
 return true;
 return false;

// Array.containsAll Function
// Returns true when the array contains all the items, otherwise false.
// When items is null false is returned (even if the array contains a null).
// @param items [may be null] 
version.extensions["Array.containsAll"] = {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0, date: new Date(2005,11,20), provider: "http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de"};
Array.prototype.containsAll = function(items) {
 for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
 if (!this.contains(items[i])) {
 return false;
 return true;

} // of "install only once"

// Used Globals (for JSLint) ==============
// ... DOM
/*global document */
// ... TiddlyWiki Core
/*global convertUnicodeToUTF8, createTiddlyElement, createTiddlyLink, 
 displayMessage, endSaveArea, hasClass, loadFile, saveFile, 
 startSaveArea, store, wikify */

!Licence and Copyright
Copyright (c) abego Software ~GmbH, 2005 ([[www.abego-software.de|http://www.abego-software.de]])

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
materials provided with the distribution.

Neither the name of abego Software nor the names of its contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.


The [[FormTiddlerPlugin]] allows you to enter your data in a form and store the form's data in your tiddlers.

(For more information on tiddler data see the [[DataTiddlerPlugin]].)

//''Define ~FormTemplate''//

When you want to enter data in a form you first have to define a [[FormTemplate]] tiddler. A FormTemplate tiddler is a tiddler that contains named HTML INPUT elements (such as textfields, password fields, lists etc.) that define the stuff that should be edited in the form. E.g. you may have a FormTemplate that looks like this:

 <input name=userName type=text /><br/>
 <input name=pwd type=password /><br/>

The correspond HTML text looks like this
 <input name=userName type=text /><br/>
 <input name=pwd type=password /><br/>

The name of the INPUT element is also the name of the data field it is editing. E.g. a text field defined like this: 
<input name=userName type=text />
will edit the data field "userName" of the tiddler.

You are free to layout the INPUT elements as you like, but don't add a "form" element around them and don't define 'onchange' handlers, since this will be done automatically by the {{{<<formTiddler ...>>}}} macro.

//''Use ~FormTemplates (through the {{{<<formTiddler ...>>}}} macro)''//

In a second step you add the {{{<<formTiddler ...>>}}} macro to tiddlers that should be edited. In the macro you are referencing the [[FormTemplate]] that should be used to edit the tiddler's data. You may refer to the same FormTemplate tiddler in as many tiddlers as you like. Every such tiddler displays the same INPUT elements as the FormTemplate, but with the "data" of each individual tiddler.

In addition you may more than one {{{<<formTiddler...>>}}} macro call in one tiddler. Just make sure that the names of the elements in the referenced FormTemplate tiddlers do not collide. This feature may be useful if you want to construct a larger input form from a set of smaller FormTemplates.

You can easily create tiddlers with an embedded {{{<<formTiddler...>>}}} macro call using the [[<<newTiddlerWithForm...>>|NewTiddlerWithFormMacro]] macro. The macro shows a button similar to the "new tiddler" button and creates the requested tiddler, ready to enter data. For details see NewTiddlerWithFormMacro.

//''"Structured" and "Free" Data''//

Typically you will edit a tiddler that uses the {{{<<formTiddler...>>}}} macro through the form. But you are free to also edit the tiddler "as usual", through the build-in edit feature. I.e. you may mix "structured data" (as entered through the form) with "free data". I.e. on a "Contact" tiddler you may add an image to the tiddler, or add extra links to related persons. Or you add more tags. Just make sure that you don't modify the {{{<data>...</data>}}} section of the tiddler, since this contains the data maintained by the form.

Also notice that since the data entered in the forms is stored in the tiddler's text (in the {{{<data>...</data>}}} section) using the "search" feature will also find the texts you entered in the forms (even though it will not hilite the texts in the fields).


Using the [[FormTiddlerPlugin]] it is easy to manage things like:
* [[Contacts]]
* [[Bugreports]]
* ~ToDo Lists
* and many more.

Since a FormTemplate is typically used for many tiddlers of the same kind you may also consider using the ForEachTiddlerMacro to collect data across multiple tiddlers (e.g. to get a list of all contacts, a summary page for the bug reports etc.)

(See also [[FormTiddler Examples]])

//''HTML Elements''//

For those not that familiar with the HTML INPUT elements here a short overview with HTML snippets. 
|!Type|!HTML Example|!Comment|
|button|{{{<input name=btn type=button value="Just a button" />}}}|no data|
|checkbox|{{{<input name=isVIP type=checkbox />is VIP}}}||
|file|{{{<input name=attachment type=file />}}}|The "file" input element typically does not restore the path of the previously selected file. Nevertheless the path of the file is stored in the tiddler.|
|hidden|{{{<input name=hiddenValue type=hidden value="This is a hidden value" />}}}||
|password|{{{<input name=pwd type=password />}}}|The data entered in a "password" field is stored as clear text in the tiddler.|
|radio|{{{<input name=level type=radio value="Beginner" />Beginner<input name=level type=radio value="Expert" />Expert<input name=level type=radio value="Guru" />Guru}}}||
|reset|{{{<input name=btnReset type=reset />}}}|no data|
|select-one|{{{<select name=browser ><option>Firefox<option>Internet Explorer<option>Opera<option>Other</select >}}}||
|select-multiple|{{{<select name=music MULTIPLE ><option> R&B <option> Jazz <option> Blues <option> New Age</select >}}}||
|submit|{{{<input name=btnSubmit type=submit />}}}|no data|
|text|{{{<input name=userName type=text/>}}}||
|textarea|{{{<TEXTAREA name=notes rows=4 cols=80 ></TEXTAREA>}}}||

For details consult the Web or a textbook on HTML editing.
The {{{<<formTiddler ...>>}}} macro defined by the FormTiddlerPlugin. 

When a tiddler T1 references the (FormTemplate) tiddler T2 in the FormTiddlerMacro, the data of T1 can be edited through the INPUT elements defined by T2.
|''Version:''|1.0.5 (2006-02-24)|
|''Author:''|UdoBorkowski (ub [at] abego-software [dot] de)|
|''Licence:''|[[BSD open source license]]|
|''Macros:''|formTiddler, checkForDataTiddlerPlugin, newTiddlerWithForm|
|''TiddlyWiki:''|1.2.38+, 2.0|
|''Browser:''|Firefox 1.0.4+; InternetExplorer 6.0|
Use form-based tiddlers to enter your tiddler data using text fields, listboxes, checkboxes etc. (All standard HTML Form input elements supported).

|>|{{{<<}}}''formTiddler'' //tiddlerName//{{{>>}}}|
|//tiddlerName//|The name of the FormTemplate tiddler to be used to edit the data of the tiddler containing the macro.|

|>|{{{<<}}}''newTiddlerWithForm'' //formTemplateName// //buttonLabel// [//titleExpression// [''askUser'']] {{{>>}}}|
|//formTemplateName//|The name of the tiddler that defines the form the new tiddler should use.|
|//buttonLabel//|The label of the button|
|//titleExpression//|A (quoted) JavaScript String expression that defines the title (/name) of the new tiddler.|
|''askUser''|Typically the user is not asked for the title when a title is specified (and not yet used). When ''askUser'' is given the user will be asked in any case. This may be used when the calculated title is just a suggestion that must be confirmed by the user|
|>|~~Syntax formatting: Keywords in ''bold'', optional parts in [...]. 'or' means that exactly one of the two alternatives must exist.~~|

For details and how to use the macros see the [[introduction|FormTiddler Introduction]] and the [[examples|FormTiddler Examples]].

!Revision history
* v1.0.5 (2006-02-24)
** Removed "debugger;" instruction
* v1.0.4 (2006-02-07)
** Bug: On IE no data is written to data section when field values changed (thanks to KenGirard for reporting)
* v1.0.3 (2006-02-05)
** Bug: {{{"No form template specified in <<formTiddler>>"}}} when using formTiddler macro on InternetExplorer (thanks to KenGirard for reporting)
* v1.0.2 (2006-01-06)
** Support TiddlyWiki 2.0
* v1.0.1 (2005-12-22)
** Features: 
*** Support InternetExplorer
*** Added newTiddlerWithForm Macro
* v1.0.0 (2005-12-14)
** initial version


// FormTiddlerPlugin

version.extensions.FormTiddlerPlugin = {
 major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 5,
 date: new Date(2006, 2, 24), 
 type: 'plugin',
 source: "http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/#FormTiddlerPlugin"

// For backward compatibility with v1.2.x
if (!window.story) window.story=window; 
if (!TiddlyWiki.prototype.getTiddler) TiddlyWiki.prototype.getTiddler = function(title) { return t = this.tiddlers[title]; return (t != undefined && t instanceof Tiddler) ? t : null; } 

// formTiddler Macro

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configurations and constants 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

config.macros.formTiddler = {
 // Standard Properties
 label: "formTiddler",
 version: {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 4, date: new Date(2006, 2, 7)},
 prompt: "Edit tiddler data using forms",

 // Define the "setters" that set the values of INPUT elements of a given type
 // (must match the corresponding "getter")
 setter: { 
 button: function(e, value) {/*contains no data */ },
 checkbox: function(e, value) {e.checked = value;},
 file: function(e, value) {try {e.value = value;} catch(e) {/* ignore, possibly security error*/}},
 hidden: function(e, value) {e.value = value;},
 password: function(e, value) {e.value = value;},
 radio: function(e, value) {e.checked = (e.value == value);},
 reset: function(e, value) {/*contains no data */ },
 "select-one": function(e, value) {config.macros.formTiddler.setSelectOneValue(e,value);},
 "select-multiple": function(e, value) {config.macros.formTiddler.setSelectMultipleValue(e,value);},
 submit: function(e, value) {/*contains no data */},
 text: function(e, value) {e.value = value;},
 textarea: function(e, value) {e.value = value;}

 // Define the "getters" that return the value of INPUT elements of a given type
 // Return undefined to not store any data.
 getter: { 
 button: function(e, value) {return undefined;},
 checkbox: function(e, value) {return e.checked;},
 file: function(e, value) {return e.value;},
 hidden: function(e, value) {return e.value;},
 password: function(e, value) {return e.value;},
 radio: function(e, value) {return e.checked ? e.value : undefined;},
 reset: function(e, value) {return undefined;},
 "select-one": function(e, value) {return config.macros.formTiddler.getSelectOneValue(e);},
 "select-multiple": function(e, value) {return config.macros.formTiddler.getSelectMultipleValue(e);},
 submit: function(e, value) {return undefined;},
 text: function(e, value) {return e.value;},
 textarea: function(e, value) {return e.value;}

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The formTiddler Macro Handler 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

config.macros.formTiddler.handler = function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
 if (!config.macros.formTiddler.checkForExtensions(place, macroName)) {
 // --- Parsing ------------------------------------------

 var i = 0; // index running over the params

 // get the name of the form template tiddler
 var formTemplateName = undefined;
 if (i < params.length) {
 formTemplateName = params[i];

 if (!formTemplateName) {
 config.macros.formTiddler.createErrorElement(place, "No form template specified in <<" + macroName + ">>.");

 // --- Processing ------------------------------------------

 // Get the form template text. 
 // (This contains the INPUT elements for the form.)
 var formTemplateTiddler = store.getTiddler(formTemplateName);
 if (!formTemplateTiddler) {
 config.macros.formTiddler.createErrorElement(place, "Form template '" + formTemplateName + "' not found.");
 var templateText = formTemplateTiddler.text;
 if(!templateText) {
 // Shortcut: when template text is empty we do nothing.

 // Get the name of the tiddler containing this "formTiddler" macro
 // (i.e. the tiddler, that will be edited and that contains the data)
 var tiddlerName = config.macros.formTiddler.getContainingTiddlerName(place);

 // Append a "form" element. 
 var formName = "form"+formTemplateName+"__"+tiddlerName;
 var e = document.createElement("form");
 e.setAttribute("name", formName);

 // "Embed" the elements defined by the templateText (i.e. the INPUT elements) 
 // into the "form" element we just created
 wikify(templateText, e);

 // Initialize the INPUT elements.
 config.macros.formTiddler.initValuesAndHandlersInFormElements(formName, DataTiddler.getDataObject(tiddlerName));

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Form Data Access 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Internal.
// Initialize the INPUT elements of the form with the values of their "matching"
// data fields in the tiddler. Also setup the onChange handler to ensure that
// changes in the INPUT elements are stored in the tiddler's data.
config.macros.formTiddler.initValuesAndHandlersInFormElements = function(formName, data) {
 // config.macros.formTiddler.trace("initValuesAndHandlersInFormElements(formName="+formName+", data="+data+")");

 // find the form
 var form = config.macros.formTiddler.findForm(formName);
 if (!form) {

 try {
 var elems = form.elements;
 for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
 var c = elems[i];
 var setter = config.macros.formTiddler.setter[c.type];
 if (setter) {
 var value = data[c.name];
 if (value != null) {
 setter(c, value);
 c.onchange = onFormTiddlerChange;
 } else {
 config.macros.formTiddler.displayFormTiddlerError("No setter defined for INPUT element of type '"+c.type+"'. (Element '"+c.name+"' in form '"+formName+"')");
 } catch(e) {
 config.macros.formTiddler.displayFormTiddlerError("Error when updating elements with new formData. "+e);

// Internal.
// @return [may be null]
config.macros.formTiddler.findForm = function(formName) {
 // We must manually iterate through the document's forms, since
 // IE does not support the "document[formName]" approach

 var forms = window.document.forms;
 for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
 var form = forms[i];
 if (form.name == formName) {
 return form;

 return null;

// Internal.
config.macros.formTiddler.setSelectOneValue = function(element,value) {
 var n = element.options.length;
 for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 element.options[i].selected = element.options[i].value == value;

// Internal.
config.macros.formTiddler.setSelectMultipleValue = function(element,value) {
 var values = {};
 for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
 values[value[i]] = true;
 var n = element.length;
 for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 element.options[i].selected = !(!values[element.options[i].value]);

// Internal.
config.macros.formTiddler.getSelectOneValue = function(element) {
 var i = element.selectedIndex;
 return (i >= 0) ? element.options[i].value : null;

// Internal.
config.macros.formTiddler.getSelectMultipleValue = function(element) {
 var values = [];
 var n = element.length;
 for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 if (element.options[i].selected) {
 return values;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Internal.
config.macros.formTiddler.checkForExtensions = function(place,macroName) {
 if (!version.extensions.DataTiddlerPlugin) {
 config.macros.formTiddler.createErrorElement(place, "<<" + macroName + ">> requires the DataTiddlerPlugin. (You can get it from http://tiddlywiki.abego-software.de/#DataTiddlerPlugin)");
 return false;
 return true;

// Internal.
// Displays a trace message in the "TiddlyWiki" message pane.
// (used for debugging)
config.macros.formTiddler.trace = function(s) {
 displayMessage("Trace: "+s);

// Internal.
// Display some error message in the "TiddlyWiki" message pane.
config.macros.formTiddler.displayFormTiddlerError = function(s) {
 alert("FormTiddlerPlugin Error: "+s);

// Internal.
// Creates an element that holds an error message
config.macros.formTiddler.createErrorElement = function(place, message) {
 return createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,"formTiddlerError",message);

// Internal.
// Returns the name of the tiddler containing the given element.
config.macros.formTiddler.getContainingTiddlerName = function(element) {
 return story.findContainingTiddler(element).id.substr(7);

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Event Handlers 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// This function must be called by the INPUT elements whenever their
// data changes. Typically this is done through an "onChange" handler.
function onFormTiddlerChange (e) {
 // config.macros.formTiddler.trace("onFormTiddlerChange "+e);

 if (!e) var e = window.event;

 var target = resolveTarget(e);
 var tiddlerName = config.macros.formTiddler.getContainingTiddlerName(target);
 var getter = config.macros.formTiddler.getter[target.type];
 if (getter) {
 var value = getter(target);
 DataTiddler.setData(tiddlerName, target.name, value);
 } else {
 config.macros.formTiddler.displayFormTiddlerError("No getter defined for INPUT element of type '"+target.type+"'. (Element '"+target.name+"' used in tiddler '"+tiddlerName+"')");

// ensure that the function can be used in HTML event handler
window.onFormTiddlerChange = onFormTiddlerChange;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stylesheet Extensions (may be overridden by local StyleSheet)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 ".formTiddlerError{color: #ffffff;background-color: #880000;}",

// checkForDataTiddlerPlugin Macro

config.macros.checkForDataTiddlerPlugin = {
 // Standard Properties
 label: "checkForDataTiddlerPlugin",
 version: {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0, date: new Date(2005, 12, 14)},
 prompt: "Check if the DataTiddlerPlugin exists"

config.macros.checkForDataTiddlerPlugin.handler = function(place,macroName,params) {
 config.macros.formTiddler.checkForExtensions(place, config.macros.formTiddler.label);

// newTiddlerWithForm Macro

config.macros.newTiddlerWithForm = {
 // Standard Properties
 label: "newTiddlerWithForm",
 version: {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 1, date: new Date(2006, 1, 6)},
 prompt: "Creates a new Tiddler with a <<formTiddler ...>> macro"

config.macros.newTiddlerWithForm.handler = function(place,macroName,params) {
 // --- Parsing ------------------------------------------

 var i = 0; // index running over the params

 // get the name of the form template tiddler
 var formTemplateName = undefined;
 if (i < params.length) {
 formTemplateName = params[i];

 if (!formTemplateName) {
 config.macros.formTiddler.createErrorElement(place, "No form template specified in <<" + macroName + ">>.");

 // get the button label
 var buttonLabel = undefined;
 if (i < params.length) {
 buttonLabel = params[i];

 if (!buttonLabel) {
 config.macros.formTiddler.createErrorElement(place, "No button label specified in <<" + macroName + ">>.");

 // get the (optional) tiddlerName script and "askUser"
 var tiddlerNameScript = undefined;
 var askUser = false;
 if (i < params.length) {
 tiddlerNameScript = params[i];

 if (i < params.length && params[i] == "askUser") {
 askUser = true;

 // --- Processing ------------------------------------------

 if(!readOnly) {
 var onClick = function() {
 var tiddlerName;
 if (tiddlerNameScript) {
 try {
 tiddlerName = eval(tiddlerNameScript);
 } catch (ex) {
 if (!tiddlerName || askUser) {
 tiddlerName = prompt("Please specify a tiddler name.", askUser ? tiddlerName : "");
 while (tiddlerName && store.getTiddler(tiddlerName)) {
 tiddlerName = prompt("A tiddler named '"+tiddlerName+"' already exists.\n\n"+"Please specify a tiddler name.", tiddlerName);

 // tiddlerName is either null (user canceled) or a name that is not yet in the store.
 if (tiddlerName) {
 var body = "<<formTiddler [["+formTemplateName+"]]>>";
 var tags = [];
 store.saveTiddler(tiddlerName,tiddlerName,body,config.options.txtUserName,new Date(),tags);



!Licence and Copyright
Copyright (c) abego Software ~GmbH, 2005 ([[www.abego-software.de|http://www.abego-software.de]])

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
materials provided with the distribution.

Neither the name of abego Software nor the names of its contributors may be
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Insert Javascript executable code directly into your tiddler content.|
''Call directly into TW core utility routines, define new functions, calculate values, add dynamically-generated TiddlyWiki-formatted output'' into tiddler content, or perform any other programmatic actions each time the tiddler is rendered.
>see [[InlineJavascriptPluginInfo]]
2009.04.11 [1.9.5] pass current tiddler object into wrapper code so it can be referenced from within 'onclick' scripts
2009.02.26 [1.9.4] in $(), handle leading '#' on ID for compatibility with JQuery syntax
|please see [[InlineJavascriptPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.11.08 [1.0.0] initial release
version.extensions.InlineJavascriptPlugin= {major: 1, minor: 9, revision: 5, date: new Date(2009,4,11)};

config.formatters.push( {
	name: "inlineJavascript",
	match: "\\<script",
	lookahead: "\\<script(?: src=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?(?: label=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?(?: title=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?(?: key=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?( show)?\\>((?:.|\\n)*?)\\</script\\>",

	handler: function(w) {
		var lookaheadRegExp = new RegExp(this.lookahead,"mg");
		lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
			var src=lookaheadMatch[1];
			var label=lookaheadMatch[2];
			var tip=lookaheadMatch[3];
			var key=lookaheadMatch[4];
			var show=lookaheadMatch[5];
			var code=lookaheadMatch[6];
			if (src) { // external script library
				var script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = src;
				document.body.appendChild(script); document.body.removeChild(script);
			if (code) { // inline code
				if (show) // display source in tiddler
				if (label) { // create 'onclick' command link
					var link=createTiddlyElement(w.output,"a",null,"tiddlyLinkExisting",wikifyPlainText(label));
					var fixup=code.replace(/document.write\s*\(/gi,'place.bufferedHTML+=(');
					link.code="function _out(place,tiddler){"+fixup+"\n};_out(this,this.tiddler);"
						try{ var r=eval(this.code);
							if(this.bufferedHTML.length || (typeof(r)==="string")&&r.length)
								var s=this.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement("span"),this.nextSibling);
							if((typeof(r)==="string")&&r.length) {
								return false;
							} else return r!==undefined?r:false;
						} catch(e){alert(e.description||e.toString());return false;}
					var URIcode='javascript:void(eval(decodeURIComponent(%22(function(){try{';
					URIcode+=encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(code.replace(/\n/g,' ')));
					if (key) link.accessKey=key.substr(0,1); // single character only
				else { // run script immediately
					var fixup=code.replace(/document.write\s*\(/gi,'place.innerHTML+=(');
					var c="function _out(place,tiddler){"+fixup+"\n};_out(w.output,w.tiddler);";
					try	 { var out=eval(c); }
					catch(e) { out=e.description?e.description:e.toString(); }
					if (out && out.length) wikify(out,w.output,w.highlightRegExp,w.tiddler);
			w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length;
} )

// // Backward-compatibility for TW2.1.x and earlier
if (typeof(wikifyPlainText)=="undefined") window.wikifyPlainText=function(text,limit,tiddler) {
	if(limit > 0) text = text.substr(0,limit);
	var wikifier = new Wikifier(text,formatter,null,tiddler);
	return wikifier.wikifyPlain();

// // GLOBAL FUNCTION: $(...) -- 'shorthand' convenience syntax for document.getElementById()
if (typeof($)=='undefined') { function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id.replace(/^#/,'')); } }
|''Name:''|LoadRemoteFileThroughProxy (previous LoadRemoteFileHijack)|
|''Description:''|When the TiddlyWiki file is located on the web (view over http) the content of [[SiteProxy]] tiddler is added in front of the file url. If [[SiteProxy]] does not exist "/proxy/" is added. |
|''Date:''|mar 17, 2007|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license|http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#%5B%5BBSD%20open%20source%20license%5D%5D ]]|
version.extensions.LoadRemoteFileThroughProxy = {
 major: 1, minor: 1, revision: 0, 
 date: new Date("mar 17, 2007"), 
 source: "http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#LoadRemoteFileThroughProxy"};

if (!window.bidix) window.bidix = {}; // bidix namespace
if (!bidix.core) bidix.core = {};

bidix.core.loadRemoteFile = loadRemoteFile;
loadRemoteFile = function(url,callback,params)
 if ((document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") && (url.substr(0,4) == "http")){ 
 url = store.getTiddlerText("SiteProxy", "/proxy/") + url;
 return bidix.core.loadRemoteFile(url,callback,params);
[[Regulations by Date]]
[[Regulations by Topic]]
[[Decisions by Date]]
[[Decisions by Topic]]
.tlegal table {
border: 0px solid;
.tlegal tr, .tlegal td {
border: 0px solid;
<span class="tlegal">
 <td align="right"><b>Decision Number:</b></td>
 <td colspan="3"><input name=number type=text style="width:80%" /></td></tr>
 <td align="right"><b>Date Passed (DD/MM/YYYY):</b></td>
 <td colspan="3">
 <input name=day type=text style="width:10%" />/<input name=month type=text style="width:10%" />/<input name=year type=text style="width:30%" />
 <td align="right"><b>Court / Public Body:</b></td>
 <td colspan="3"><input name=court type=text style="width:80%;" /></td></tr>
 <td align="right"><b>Link:</b></td>
 <td colspan="3"><input name=courtlink type=text style="width:80%;" /></td></tr>
- In Viewing Mode add data to the form fields above.
- In Edit Mode, just below the form code, add comments. You can also use the tag bar below to add tags for additional topics.//

.tlegal table {
border: 0px solid;
.tlegal tr, .tlegal td {
border: 0px solid;
<span class="tlegal">
 <td align="right"><b>Long title:</b></td>
 <td colspan="3"><input name=title type=text style="width:80%" /></td></tr>
 <td align="right"><b>Date Passed (DD/MM/YYYY):</b></td>
 <td colspan="3">
 <input name=day type=text style="width:10%" />/<input name=month type=text style="width:10%" />/<input name=year type=text style="width:30%" />
 <td align="right"><b>Publishing information:</b></td>
 <td colspan="3"><input name=pubinfo type=text style="width:80%;" /></td></tr>
 <td align="right"><b>Link:</b></td>
 <td colspan="3"><input name=lawlink type=text style="width:80%;" /></td></tr>
 <td align="right"><b>Topic:</b></td>
 <td colspan="3"><input name=lawtopic type=text style="width:80%;" /></td></tr>
- In Viewing Mode add data to the form fields above.
- In Edit Mode, just below the form code, add comments. You can also use the tag bar below to add tags for additional topics.//

This tiddler is an example of some RSS feeds that could be inserted in relation to a particular legal topic or area. By editing this tiddler and changing the URL (''http://...'') that appears in the code below, pointing to theRSS/XML file you'd like, you will be able to read here your favourite newsfeed.

You can copy/paste this code several times, in case you want to have several feeds shown in here.

<<rssReader asHtml http://www.wipo.int/portal/en/rss.xml>>
<div id='header' class='header'>
    <div id='title'>
        <span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
        <span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
        <div id='topMenu' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>


<div id='sidebar'>
<div id='sidebarOptions' refresh='content' tiddler='SideBarOptions'></div>
<div id='sidebarTabs' refresh='content' force='true' tiddler='SideBarTabs'></div>
<div id='displayArea'>
<div id='messageArea'></div>
<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>
<div class='clearAll'></div>
<div id='contentFooter' refresh='content' tiddler='contentFooter'></div>
|''Description:''|Extends TiddlyWiki options with non encrypted password option.|
|''Date:''|Apr 19, 2007|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license|http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#%5B%5BBSD%20open%20source%20license%5D%5D ]]|
|''~CoreVersion:''|2.2.0 (Beta 5)|
version.extensions.PasswordOptionPlugin = {
	major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 2, 
	date: new Date("Apr 19, 2007"),
	source: 'http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#PasswordOptionPlugin',
	author: 'BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info',
	license: '[[BSD open source license|http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#%5B%5BBSD%20open%20source%20license%5D%5D]]',
	coreVersion: '2.2.0 (Beta 5)'

config.macros.option.passwordCheckboxLabel = "Save this password on this computer";
config.macros.option.passwordInputType = "password"; // password | text
setStylesheet(".pasOptionInput {width: 11em;}\n","passwordInputTypeStyle");

merge(config.macros.option.types, {
	'pas': {
		elementType: "input",
		valueField: "value",
		eventName: "onkeyup",
		className: "pasOptionInput",
		typeValue: config.macros.option.passwordInputType,
		create: function(place,type,opt,className,desc) {
			// password field
			// checkbox linked with this password "save this password on this computer"
			// text savePasswordCheckboxLabel
		onChange: config.macros.option.genericOnChange

merge(config.optionHandlers['chk'], {
	get: function(name) {
		// is there an option linked with this chk ?
		var opt = name.substr(3);
		if (config.options[opt]) 
		return config.options[name] ? "true" : "false";

merge(config.optionHandlers, {
	'pas': {
 		get: function(name) {
			if (config.options["chk"+name]) {
				return encodeCookie(config.options[name].toString());
			} else {
				return "";
		set: function(name,value) {config.options[name] = decodeCookie(value);}

// need to reload options to load passwordOptions

if (!config.options['pasPassword'])
	config.options['pasPassword'] = '';

		pasPassword: "Test password"
|''Description:''|This plugin provides a RSSReader for TiddlyWiki|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''Credit:''|BramChen for RssNewsMacro|
|''[[License]]:''|[[BSD open source license|http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#%5B%5BBSD%20open%20source%20license%5D%5D ]]|
version.extensions.RSSReaderPlugin = {
	major: 1, minor: 1, revision: 2,
	date: new Date("2008-09-02"),
	source: "http://TiddlyWiki.bidix.info/#RSSReaderPlugin",
	author: "BidiX",
	coreVersion: '2.2.0'

config.macros.rssReader = {
	dateFormat: "DDD, DD MMM YYYY",
	itemStyle: "display: block;border: 1px solid black;padding: 5px;margin: 5px;", //useed  '@@'+itemStyle+itemText+'@@'
		permissionDenied: "Permission to read preferences was denied.",
		noRSSFeed: "No RSS Feed at this address %0",
		urlNotAccessible: " Access to %0 is not allowed"
	cache: [], 	// url => XMLHttpRequest.responseXML
	desc: "noDesc",
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var desc = params[0];
		var feedURL = params[1];
		var toFilter = (params[2] ? true : false);
		var filterString = (toFilter?(params[2].substr(0,1) == ' '? tiddler.title:params[2]):'');
		var place = createTiddlyElement(place, "div", "RSSReader");
		wikify("^^<<rssFeedUpdate "+feedURL+" [[" + tiddler.title + "]]>>^^\n",place);
		if (this.cache[feedURL]) {
			this.displayRssFeed(this.cache[feedURL], feedURL, place, desc, toFilter, filterString);
		else {
			var r = loadRemoteFile(feedURL,config.macros.rssReader.processResponse, [place, desc, toFilter, filterString]);
			if (typeof r == "string")

	// callback for loadRemoteFile 
	// params : [place, desc, toFilter, filterString]
	processResponse: function(status, params, responseText, url, xhr) { // feedURL, place, desc, toFilter, filterString) {	
		if (window.netscape){
			try {
				if (document.location.protocol.indexOf("http") == -1) {
			catch (e) { displayMessage(e.description?e.description:e.toString()); }
		if (xhr.status == 404)
		if (!status)
		if (xhr.responseXML) {
			// response is interpreted as XML
			config.macros.rssReader.cache[url] = xhr.responseXML;
			config.macros.rssReader.displayRssFeed(xhr.responseXML, params[0], url, params[1], params[2], params[3]);
		else {
			if (responseText.substr(0,5) == "<?xml") {
				// response exists but not return as XML -> try to parse it 
				var dom = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(responseText, "text/xml"); 
				if (dom) {
					// parsing successful so use it
					config.macros.rssReader.cache[url] = dom;
					config.macros.rssReader.displayRssFeed(dom, params[0], url, params[1], params[2], params[3]);
			// no XML display as html 
			wikify("<html>" + responseText + "</html>", params[0]);

	// explore down the DOM tree
	displayRssFeed: function(xml, place, feedURL, desc, toFilter, filterString){
		// Channel
		var chanelNode = xml.getElementsByTagName('channel').item(0);
		var chanelTitleElement = (chanelNode ? chanelNode.getElementsByTagName('title').item(0) : null);
		var chanelTitle = "";
		if ((chanelTitleElement) && (chanelTitleElement.firstChild)) 
			chanelTitle = chanelTitleElement.firstChild.nodeValue;
		var chanelLinkElement = (chanelNode ? chanelNode.getElementsByTagName('link').item(0) : null);
		var chanelLink = "";
		if (chanelLinkElement) 
			chanelLink = chanelLinkElement.firstChild.nodeValue;
		var titleTxt = "!![["+chanelTitle+"|"+chanelLink+"]]\n";
		var title = createTiddlyElement(place,"div",null,"ChanelTitle",null);
		// ItemList
		var itemList = xml.getElementsByTagName('item');
		var article = createTiddlyElement(place,"ul",null,null,null);
		var lastDate;
		var re;
		if (toFilter) 
			re = new RegExp(filterString.escapeRegExp());
		for (var i=0; i<itemList.length; i++){
			var titleElm = itemList[i].getElementsByTagName('title').item(0);
			var titleText = (titleElm ? titleElm.firstChild.nodeValue : '');
			if (toFilter && ! titleText.match(re)) {
			var descText = '';
			descElem = itemList[i].getElementsByTagName('description').item(0);
			if (descElem){
					for (var ii=0; ii<descElem.childNodes.length; ii++) {
						descText += descElem.childNodes[ii].nodeValue;
				descText = descText.replace(/<br \/>/g,'\n');
				if (desc == "asHtml")
					descText = "<html>"+descText+"</html>";
			var linkElm = itemList[i].getElementsByTagName("link").item(0);
			var linkURL = linkElm.firstChild.nodeValue;
			var pubElm = itemList[i].getElementsByTagName('pubDate').item(0);
			var pubDate;
			if (!pubElm) {
				pubElm = itemList[i].getElementsByTagName('date').item(0); // for del.icio.us
				if (pubElm) {
					pubDate = pubElm.firstChild.nodeValue;
					pubDate = this.formatDateString(this.dateFormat, pubDate);
					else {
						pubDate = '0';
			else {
				pubDate = (pubElm ? pubElm.firstChild.nodeValue : 0);
				pubDate = this.formatDate(this.dateFormat, pubDate);
			titleText = titleText.replace(/\[|\]/g,'');
			var rssText = '*'+'[[' + titleText + '|' + linkURL + ']]' + '' ;
			if ((desc != "noDesc") && descText){
				rssText = rssText.replace(/\n/g,' ');
				descText = '@@'+this.itemStyle+descText + '@@\n';				
				if (version.extensions.nestedSliders){
					descText = '+++[...]' + descText + '===';
				rssText = rssText + descText;
			var story;
			if ((lastDate != pubDate) && ( pubDate != '0')) {
				story = createTiddlyElement(article,"li",null,"RSSItem",pubDate);
				lastDate = pubDate;
			else {
				lastDate = pubDate;
			story = createTiddlyElement(article,"div",null,"RSSItem",null);
	formatDate: function(template, date){
		var dateString = new Date(date);
		// template = template.replace(/hh|mm|ss/g,'');
		return dateString.formatString(template);
	formatDateString: function(template, date){
		var dateString = new Date(date.substr(0,4), date.substr(5,2) - 1, date.substr(8,2)
		return dateString.formatString(template);

config.macros.rssFeedUpdate = {
	label: "Update",
	prompt: "Clear the cache and redisplay this RssFeed",
	handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
		var feedURL = params[0];
		var tiddlerTitle = params[1];
		createTiddlyButton(place, this.label, this.prompt, 
			function () {
				if (config.macros.rssReader.cache[feedURL]) {
					config.macros.rssReader.cache[feedURL] = null; 
			story.refreshTiddler(tiddlerTitle,null, true);
		return false;});

This plugin provides a RSSReader for TiddlyWiki. If TiddlyWiki is viewed over HTTP, RSSReaderPlugin requires a ProxyService.

See examples : <<tag RSSFeed>>.
See documentation : RSSReaderPluginDoc

if NestedSlidersPlugin is available, item contents are folded. 
//last update: RSSReaderPlugin v 1.1.1//

This plugin provides a RSSReader for TiddlyWiki
* It accesses asynchronously an RSSFeed
*Depending on the chanel item format, each item could be written as :
**simple text wikified

<<rssReader noDesc|asHtml|asText rssUrl ['filtering string']>>
	noDesc: only title of item is printed

	asHtml: if you know that description contain html (links, img ...), 
		the text is enclosed with <html> </html> tags

 	asText: if the description should not be interpreted as html the 
		description is wikified

	rssUrl: the rssFeed url that could be accessed. 
	'filtering string': if present, the rssfeed item title must contained 
		this string to be displayed. 
		If 'filering string' contained space characters only, the tiddler 
		title is used for filtering.


For security reasons, if the TiddlyWiki is accessed from http, a ProxyService should be used to access an rssFeed from an other site.

| !reader | !RSSFeed type | !working from |
| BidiXTWRSS | Description asHtml | file: or tiddlywiki.bidix.info |
| [[Le Monde]] | Description asText | file: or tiddlywiki.bidix.info using proxy |
| YahooNewsSport | Description asHtml | file: or tiddlywiki.bidix.info using proxy |
| TiddlyWikiRSS | Description asHtml | file: or tiddlywiki.bidix.info using proxy |
| [[Libération]] | noDesc | file: or tiddlywiki.bidix.info using proxy |
| [[TestComment]] | asText and filters | file: or tiddlywiki.bidix.info using proxy |
see : <<tag RSSFeed>> for the full list.

!Revision history
* V1.1.0 (2207/04/13)
**No more import functions
* V1.0.0 (2006/11/11)
**refactoring using core loadRemoteFile function
**import using new tiddlywiki:tiddler element
**import and presentation preserved without EricShulman's NestedSliderPlugin
**better display of items 
* v0.3.0 (24/08/2006)
** Filter on RSS item title
** Place to display redefined for asynchronous processing
* v0.2.2 (22/08/2006)
**Haloscan feed has no pubDate.
* v0.2.1 (08/05/2006)
* v0.2.0 (01/05/2006)
**Small adapations for del.icio.us feed
* v0.1.1 (28/04/2006)
**Bug : Channel without title 
* v0.1.0 (24/04/2006)
** initial release
[[news.php]] is an RSSFeed reader. It accesses an RSS 2.0 file and displays the feed in a page using a CSS.

The full syntax is :
with :
*<rssfile>: a RSSFeed (default index.xml)
*<cssfile>: a CssFile (default embeded css)

Some examples : 
*http://tiddlylab.bidix.info/news.php?rss=http://www.tiddlywiki.com/beta/index.xml&css=news.css (But links are not correct due to http://www.tiddlywiki.com/beta/#SiteUrl )
This tiddler is to contain all the regulations (laws and provisions) added to the file which contain the tag "law". They must appear sorted by date of approval of each law.

The ideal format to appear would be:
!!! Date of approval
* Long law title [[more info]]
* Long law title [[more info]]
!!! Date of approval
* Long law title [[more info]]
* Long law title [[more info]]
* Long law title [[more info]]

! ...and here it is my first attempt!
sortBy 'tiddler.data("year")+tiddler.data("month")+tiddler.data("day")' descending
 '"*{{justfine{"+tiddler.data("day")+"/"+tiddler.data("month")+"/"+tiddler.data("year")+"}}}<br>- {{bold{ "+tiddler.data("title")+"}}} [[ more info|"+tiddler.title+"]]<br><br>\n"'
This tiddler is to contain all the regulations (laws and provisions) added to the file which contain the tag "law". They must appear sorted by topic. Topics are those contained in the tiddler [[TOPICS]]

The ideal format to appear would be:
!!! TOPIC1
* Long law title [[more info]]
* Long law title [[more info]]
!!! TOPIC2
* Long law title [[more info]]
* Long law title [[more info]]
* Long law title [[more info]]

! ...and here it is my first attempt!

where 'tiddler.tags.contains("law") && tiddler.data("lawtopic")' 
sortBy 'tiddler.data("lawtopic")'
'"*{{bold{"+tiddler.data("lawtopic")+"}}}<br>- {{bold{ "+tiddler.data("title")+" - }}} {{justfine{approved on "+tiddler.data("datepassed")+"}}} [[ more info|"+tiddler.title+"]]<br><br>\n"' 
''<<newTiddler title:"Insert here the title of the Law or Provision, and click DONE above to fill the form" label:"ADD NEW LAW" text:{{"<<formTiddler NewLawTemplate\>\>"}} tag:"law">>''''<<newTiddler title:"Insert here the title of the Court Decision or Resolution, and click DONE above to fill the form" label:"ADD NEW DECISION" text:{{"<<formTiddler NewDecisionTemplate\>\>"}} tag:"decision">>[[TOPICS]]''
<<closeAll>><<permaview>><<newTiddler label:"new note">><<saveChanges>><<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel OptionsPanel "options »" "Change TiddlyWiki advanced options">>
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Show tiddlers one at a time with automatic permalink, or always open tiddlers at top/bottom of page.|
This plugin allows you to configure TiddlyWiki to navigate more like a traditional multipage web site with only one tiddler displayed at a time.
>see [[SinglePageModePluginInfo]]
<<option chkSinglePageMode>> Display one tiddler at a time
><<option chkSinglePagePermalink>> Automatically permalink current tiddler
><<option chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers>> Don't close tiddlers that are folded
><<option chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers>> Don't close tiddlers that are being edited
<<option chkTopOfPageMode>> Open tiddlers at the top of the page
<<option chkBottomOfPageMode>> Open tiddlers at the bottom of the page
<<option chkSinglePageAutoScroll>> Automatically scroll tiddler into view (if needed)

* The "display one tiddler at a time" option can also be //temporarily// set/reset by including a 'paramifier' in the document URL: {{{#SPM:true}}} or {{{#SPM:false}}}.
* If more than one display mode is selected, 'one at a time' display takes precedence over both 'top' and 'bottom' settings, and if 'one at a time' setting is not used, 'top of page' takes precedence over 'bottom of page'.
* When using Apple's Safari browser, automatically setting the permalink causes an error and is disabled.
2008.10.17 [2.9.6] changed chkSinglePageAutoScroll default to false
| Please see [[SinglePageModePluginInfo]] for previous revision details |
2005.08.15 [1.0.0] Initial Release.  Support for BACK/FORWARD buttons adapted from code developed by Clint Checketts.
version.extensions.SinglePageModePlugin= {major: 2, minor: 9, revision: 6, date: new Date(2008,10,17)};
config.paramifiers.SPM = { onstart: function(v) {
	if (config.options.chkSinglePageMode && config.options.chkSinglePagePermalink && !config.browser.isSafari) {
		config.lastURL = window.location.hash;
		if (!config.SPMTimer) config.SPMTimer=window.setInterval(function() {checkLastURL();},1000);
} };
if (config.options.chkSinglePageMode==undefined)
if (config.options.chkSinglePagePermalink==undefined)
if (config.options.chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers==undefined)
if (config.options.chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers==undefined)
if (config.options.chkTopOfPageMode==undefined)
if (config.options.chkBottomOfPageMode==undefined)
if (config.options.chkSinglePageAutoScroll==undefined)
config.SPMTimer = 0;
config.lastURL = window.location.hash;
function checkLastURL()
	if (!config.options.chkSinglePageMode)
		{ window.clearInterval(config.SPMTimer); config.SPMTimer=0; return; }
	if (config.lastURL == window.location.hash) return; // no change in hash
	var tids=decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.substr(1)).readBracketedList();
	if (tids.length==1) // permalink (single tiddler in URL)
	else { // restore permaview or default view
		config.lastURL = window.location.hash;
		if (!tids.length) tids=store.getTiddlerText("DefaultTiddlers").readBracketedList();

if (Story.prototype.SPM_coreDisplayTiddler==undefined)
Story.prototype.displayTiddler = function(srcElement,tiddler,template,animate,slowly)
	var title=(tiddler instanceof Tiddler)?tiddler.title:tiddler;
	var tiddlerElem=document.getElementById(story.idPrefix+title); // ==null unless tiddler is already displayed
	var opt=config.options;
	var single=opt.chkSinglePageMode && !startingUp;
	var top=opt.chkTopOfPageMode && !startingUp;
	var bottom=opt.chkBottomOfPageMode && !startingUp;
	if (single) {
		story.forEachTiddler(function(tid,elem) {
			// skip current tiddler and, optionally, tiddlers that are folded.
			if (	tid==title
				|| (opt.chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers && elem.getAttribute("folded")=="true"))
			// if a tiddler is being edited, ask before closing
			if (elem.getAttribute("dirty")=="true") {
				if (opt.chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers) return;
				// if tiddler to be displayed is already shown, then leave active tiddler editor as is
				// (occurs when switching between view and edit modes)
				if (tiddlerElem) return;
				// otherwise, ask for permission
				var msg="'"+tid+"' is currently being edited.\n\n";
				msg+="Press OK to save and close this tiddler\nor press Cancel to leave it opened";
				if (!confirm(msg)) return; else story.saveTiddler(tid);
	else if (top)
	else if (bottom)
	if (single && opt.chkSinglePagePermalink && !config.browser.isSafari) {
		window.location.hash = encodeURIComponent(String.encodeTiddlyLink(title));
		config.lastURL = window.location.hash;
		document.title = wikifyPlain("SiteTitle") + " - " + title;
		if (!config.SPMTimer) config.SPMTimer=window.setInterval(function() {checkLastURL();},1000);
	if (tiddlerElem && tiddlerElem.getAttribute("dirty")=="true") { // editing... move tiddler without re-rendering
		var isTopTiddler=(tiddlerElem.previousSibling==null);
		if (!isTopTiddler && (single || top))
		else if (bottom)
		else this.SPM_coreDisplayTiddler.apply(this,arguments); // let CORE render tiddler
	} else
		this.SPM_coreDisplayTiddler.apply(this,arguments); // let CORE render tiddler
	var tiddlerElem=document.getElementById(story.idPrefix+title);
	if (tiddlerElem&&opt.chkSinglePageAutoScroll) {
		// scroll to top of page or top of tiddler
		var isTopTiddler=(tiddlerElem.previousSibling==null);
		var yPos=isTopTiddler?0:ensureVisible(tiddlerElem);
		// if animating, defer scroll until after animation completes
		var delay=opt.chkAnimate?config.animDuration+10:0;

if (Story.prototype.SPM_coreDisplayTiddlers==undefined)
Story.prototype.displayTiddlers = function() {
	// suspend single/top/bottom modes when showing multiple tiddlers
	var opt=config.options;
	var saveSPM=opt.chkSinglePageMode; opt.chkSinglePageMode=false;
	var saveTPM=opt.chkTopOfPageMode; opt.chkTopOfPageMode=false;
	var saveBPM=opt.chkBottomOfPageMode; opt.chkBottomOfPageMode=false;
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|Documentation for SinglePageModePlugin|
Normally, as you click on the links in TiddlyWiki, more and more tiddlers are displayed on the page. The order of this tiddler display depends upon when and where you have clicked. Some people like this non-linear method of reading the document, while others have reported that when many tiddlers have been opened, it can get somewhat confusing.  SinglePageModePlugin allows you to configure TiddlyWiki to navigate more like a traditional multipage web site with only one item displayed at a time.
When the plugin is enabled, only one tiddler will be displayed at a time and the browser window's titlebar is updated to include the current tiddler title.  The browser's location URL is also updated with a 'permalink' for the current tiddler so that it is easier to create a browser 'bookmark' for the current tiddler.  Alternatively, even when displaying multiple tiddlers //is// permitted, you can still reduce the potential for confusion by forcing  tiddlers to always open at the top (or bottom) of the page instead of being displayed following the tiddler containing the link that was clicked.
<<option chkSinglePageMode>> Display one tiddler at a time
><<option chkSinglePagePermalink>> Automatically permalink current tiddler
><<option chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers>> Don't close tiddlers that are folded
><<option chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers>> Don't close tiddlers that are being edited
<<option chkTopOfPageMode>> Open tiddlers at the top of the page
<<option chkBottomOfPageMode>> Open tiddlers at the bottom of the page
<<option chkSinglePageAutoScroll>> Automatically scroll tiddler into view (if needed)

* {{block{
The "display one tiddler at a time" option can also be //temporarily// set/reset by including a 'paramifier' in the document URL: {{{#SPM:true}}} or {{{#SPM:false}}}. You can also use {{{SPM:expression}}}, where 'expression' is any javascript statement that evaluates to true or false.  This allows you to create hard-coded links in other documents that can selectively enable/disable the use of this option based on various programmatic conditions, such as the current username. For example, using
enables 'one tiddler at a time' display for all users //other than// "~SomeName")}}}
* If more than one display mode is selected, 'one at a time' display takes precedence over both 'top' and 'bottom' settings, and if 'one at a time' setting is not used, 'top of page' takes precedence over 'bottom of page'.
* When using Apple's Safari browser, automatically setting the permalink causes an error and is disabled.
2008.10.17 [2.9.6] changed chkSinglePageAutoScroll default to false
2008.06.12 [2.9.5] corrected 'scroll to top of page' logic in auto-scroll handling
2008.06.11 [2.9.4] added chkSinglePageKeepEditedTiddlers option
2008.06.05 [2.9.3] in displayTiddler(), bypass single/top/bottom mode handling if startingUp.  Allows multiple tiddlers to be displayed during startup processing (e.g., #story:DefaultTiddlers), even if single/top/bottom mode is enabled.
2008.04.18 [2.9.2] in displayTiddler() and checkLastURL(), handling for Unicode in tiddler titles (remove explicit conversion between Unicode and UTF, as this is apparently done automatically by encode/decodeURIComponent, resulting in double-encoding!
2008.04.08 [2.9.1] don't automatically add options to AdvancedOptions shadow tiddler
2008.04.02 [2.9.0] in displayTiddler(), when single-page mode is in use and a tiddler is being edited, ask for permission to save-and-close that tiddler, instead of just leaving it open.
2008.03.29 [2.8.3] in displayTiddler(), get title from tiddler object (if needed).  Fixes errors caused when calling function passes a tiddler *object* instead of a tiddler *title*
2008.03.14 [2.8.2] in displayTiddler(), if editing specified tiddler, just move it to top/bottom of story *without* re-rendering (prevents discard of partial edits).
2008.03.06 [2.8.1] in paramifier handler, start 'checkURL' timer if chkSinglePageMode is enabled
2008.03.06 [2.8.0] added option, {{{config.options.chkSinglePageKeepFoldedTiddlers}}}, so folded tiddlers won't be closed when using single-page mode.  Also, in checkURL(), if hash is a ''permaview'' (e.g., "#foo bar baz"), then display multiple tiddlers rather than attempting to display "foo bar baz" as a single tiddler
2008.03.05 [2.7.0] added support for "SPM:" URL paramifier
2008.03.01 [2.6.0] in hijack of displayTiddler(), added 'title' argument to closeAllTiddlers() so that target tiddler isn't closed-and-reopened if it was already displayed.  Also, added config.options.chkSinglePageAutoScrolloption to bypass automatic 'scroll into view' logic (note: core still does it's own ensureVisible() handling)
2007.12.22 [2.5.3] in checkLastURL(), use decodeURIComponent() instead of decodeURI so that tiddler titles with commas (and/or other punctuation) are correctly handled.
2007.10.26 [2.5.2] documentation cleanup
2007.10.08 [2.5.1] in displayTiddler(), when using single-page or top-of-page mode, scrollTo(0,0) to ensure that page header is in view.
2007.09.13 [2.5.0] for TPM/BPM modes, don't force tiddler to redisplay if already shown.  Allows transition between view/edit or collapsed/view templates, without repositioning displayed tiddler.
2007.09.12 [2.4.0] added option to disable automatic permalink feature.  Also, Safari is now excluded from permalinking action to avoid bug where tiddlers don't display after hash is updated.
2007.03.03 [2.3.1] fix typo when adding BPM option to AdvancedOptions (prevented checkbox from appearing)
2007.03.03 [2.3.0] added support for BottomOfPageMode (BPM) based on request from DaveGarbutt
2007.02.06 [2.2.3] in Story.prototype.displayTiddler(), use convertUnicodeToUTF8() for correct I18N string handling when creating URL hash string from tiddler title (based on bug report from BidiX)
2007.01.08 [2.2.2] use apply() to invoke hijacked core functions
2006.07.04 [2.2.1] in hijack for displayTiddlers(), suspend TPM as well as SPM so that DefaultTiddlers displays in the correct order.
2006.06.01 [2.2.0] added chkTopOfPageMode (TPM) handling
2006.02.04 [2.1.1] moved global variable declarations to config.* to avoid FireFox crash bug when assigning to globals
2005.12.27 [2.1.0] hijack displayTiddlers() so that SPM can be suspended during startup while displaying the DefaultTiddlers (or #hash list).  Also, corrected initialization for undefined SPM flag to "false", so default behavior is to display multiple tiddlers
2005.12.27 [2.0.0] Update for TW2.0
2005.11.24 [1.1.2] When the back and forward buttons are used, the page now changes to match the URL.  Based on code added by Clint Checketts
2005.10.14 [1.1.1] permalink creation now calls encodeTiddlyLink() to handle tiddler titles with spaces in them
2005.10.14 [1.1.0] added automatic setting of window title and location bar ('auto-permalink').  feature suggestion by David Dickens.
2005.10.09 [1.0.1] combined documentation and code in a single tiddler
2005.08.15 [1.0.0] Initial Release
a wiki for mastering the regulations of a particular legal area
/*Bleach Theme for TiddlyWiki*/
/*Design and CSS by Saq Imtiaz*/
/*Version 1.0*/
body {
 background: #fff;

margin: 2.5em auto;
line-height: 1.6em;
border:1px solid #999;
font-size: 11px;
font-family: Lucida Grande, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #555;height:1%;

.clearAll {clear:both;}
.tagClear {clear:none;}

#header {background:#fff; border-bottom:1px solid #999;padding: 2.5em 2em 1.6em 2em; height:1%;

#title {height:35px;}

.siteTitle {
font-family: 'Helvetica';
font-size: 40px;
color: #EF680E;
background-color: #FFF; 
position:absolute;padding:0.1em 0.2em 0.1em;
left:0px; top:0px;}

.siteSubtitle {
	font-size: 1.0em;
color: #999999;  
position:absolute; padding:2.2em 0em 1em 1em;
left:137px; top:0px;}

#topMenu { position:absolute; padding-top:1em;}
#topMenu br {display:none; }
#topMenu a, #topMenu .tiddlyLink, #topMenu .button { color:#666;}



#displayArea {margin-left:1.35em; margin-right:16.3em; margin-top:0; padding-top:1em; padding-bottom:10px;}


#sidebar {position:relative;float:right; line-height: 1.4em; border-left:0px solid#000; display:inline; background:#fff; right:0; 
width: 16em;}

#sidebarOptions {padding-left:0.5em; border-left:1px solid #999;padding-top:1em;}

#sidebarOptions a {
			text-decoration: none;}
#sidebarOptions	a:hover, #sidebarOptions .button:active {
			background-color: #fff;border:1px solid #fff;
#sidebarOptions input {border:1px solid #999; width:10em;}

#sidebarTabs {border-left:1px solid #999;}
#sidebarTabs .tabContents {background:#fff;}
#sidebarTabs .tabContents .tiddlyLink, #sidebarTabs .tabContents .button{color:#999;}
#sidebarTabs .tabContents .tiddlyLink:hover,#sidebarTabs .tabContents .button:hover{color:#333;background:#fff;border:none;}

#sidebarTabs .tabContents .button:hover, #sidebarTabs .tabContents .highlight, #sidebarTabs .tabContents .marked, #sidebarTabs .tabContents a.button:active{color:#333;background:#fff}

.tabSelected{color:#fff; background:#999;}

.tabUnselected {
 background: #ccc;

 .tabSelected, .tabSelected:hover {
 color: #fff;
 background: #999;
 border: solid 1px #999;

#sidebarTabs .tabUnselected:hover { border-bottom: none;padding-bottom:3px;color:#4F4B45}

 .tabUnselected {
 color: #999;
 background: #eee;
 border: solid 1px #ccc;

#sidebarTabs .tabUnselected { border-bottom: none;padding-bottom:3px;}
#sidebarTabs .tabSelected{padding-bottom:3px;}

#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {
	background: #fff; border:none;
	font-size: .9em;
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a {font-weight:normal; }
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel input {border:1px solid #999;width:auto;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel .txtOptionInput {border:1px solid #999;width:9em;}

#sidebarTabs .tabContents {border-right:0; border-left:0; border-bottom:1px solid#999; padding-left:4px;}
 .listLink,#sidebarTabs .tabContents {line-height:1.5em;}
 .listTitle {color:#666;}

#sidebarTabs .tabUnselected:hover { border-bottom: none;padding-bottom:3px;color:#4F4B45}
#sidebarTabs .txtMoreTab .tabContents {border-left:1px solid #999;}
#sidebarTabs .txtMainTab .tabContents li a{font-weight:bold;}

.title {color:#EF680E;}
.subtitle, .subtitle a { color: #999999; font-size: 1em;margin:0.2em; font-variant: small-caps;}
.shadow .title{color:#999;}

.selected .toolbar a {color:#999999;}
.selected .toolbar a:hover {color:#333; background:transparent;border:1px solid #fff;}

.toolbar .button:hover, .toolbar .highlight, .toolbar .marked, .toolbar a.button:active{color:#333; background:transparent;border:1px solid #fff;}

* html .viewer pre {
	margin-left: 0em;

* html .editor textarea, * html .editor input {
	width: 98%;

		a,#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a{
			text-decoration: none;

		a:hover,#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:hover {
			background-color: #fff; 
border-bottom:1px dotted #EF680E;

.viewer .button, .editorFooter .button{
	color: #555;
	border: 1px solid #EF680E;

.viewer .button:hover, 
.editorFooter .button:hover{
	color: #fff;
	background: #EF680E;
	border-color: #EF680E;

.viewer .button:active, .viewer .highlight,.editorFooter .button:active, .editorFooter .highlight{color:#fff; background:#DF691B;border-color:#DF691B;}

		#topMenu a, #topMenu .button { 
			padding: 5px 10px; border:none; font-weight:bold;

		#topMenu a:link{
			text-decoration: none;
		#topMenu a:hover, #topMenu .button:hover {
			background-color: #fff;

.tagging, .tagged {
	border: 1px solid #eee;
	background-color: #F7F7F7;

.selected .tagging, .selected .tagged {
	background-color: #eee;
	border: 1px solid #BFBAB3;

 .tagging .listTitle, .tagged .listTitle {
	color: #bbb;

.selected .tagging .listTitle, .selected .tagged .listTitle {
	color: #666; 

.tagging .button, .tagged .button {
.selected .tagging .button, .selected .tagged .button {

.highlight, .marked {background:transparent; color:#111; border:none; text-decoration:underline;}

.tagging .button:hover, .tagged .button:hover, .tagging .button:active, .tagged .button:active {
		border: none; background:transparent; text-decoration:underline; color:#333;

.popup {
	background: #999;
	border: 1px solid #999;

.popup li.disabled {
	color: #000;

.popup li a, .popup li a:visited {
	color: #eee;
	border: none;

.popup li a:hover {
	background: #6F6A68;
	color: #fff;
	border: none;

		.tiddler {
			padding-bottom: 40px;
			/*border-bottom: 1px solid #999; */

#messageArea {
	border: 4px solid #999;
	background: #f5f5f5;
	color: #999;

#messageArea a:hover { background:#f5f5f5; border:none;}

#messageArea .button{
	color: #666;
	border: 1px solid #CC6714;

#messageArea .button:hover {
	color: #fff;
	background: #999;
	border-color: #999;

.viewer blockquote {
	border-left: 5px solid #888;

.viewer table {
	border: 2px solid #888;

.viewer th, thead td {
	background: #888;
	border: 1px solid #888;
	color: #fff;
.viewer pre {
	border: 1px solid #999;
	background: #f5f5f5;

.viewer code {
	color: #111; background:#f5f5f5;

.viewer hr {
	border-top: dashed 1px #999;

.editor input {
	border: 1px solid #888;

.editor textarea {
	border: 1px solid #888;

.tabContents {background:#f7f7f7;}

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 { color: #555; background: transparent; padding-bottom:2px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }
h1 {font-size:18px;}
h2 {font-size:16px;}
h3 {font-size: 14px;}

#contentFooter {background:#999; color:#dfdfdf; clear: both; padding: 0.5em 1em; }

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''For now:''
* Topics should be a closed list, contained in another in the tiddler [[TOPICS]]. When creating a new law or decision, the form should be able to offer a roll out menu to select a topic.
* Regulations by date: fix the sorting tool. It is sorting by number (of the day), and not by the date.
* Regulations by topic: the title of a Topic should appear just once, and then all the laws corresponding to such topic.
* Regulations by topic: inside each Topic, the regulations should appear ordered by date of approval.
* Modify StyleSheet to place the MainMenu below SiteSubtitle (I don't like it this way!!!).
* Insert icons
* Redesign menus to improve usability

''For the future:''
* Find a way to link/reference a law with its posterior modifications.
* Make the links in the forms click-able, so that the user is directly taken to the law or decision. Even more, make it possible to link with a PDF file containing the law or decision.
* Make it possible to drag and drop PDF files, in order to create a tiddler containing the corresponding form and the link to each PDF.

* Change theme into Bleachtheme
* Breadcrumbs Plugin
* Singlepage plugin
* Togglerightsidebar plugin
* Upload to Tiddlyspot
* Created forms for inserting Laws and decisions
* ConfigTweaks for Singlepage plugin and for Togglerightsidebar
* RSS reader plugin, and legal news inserted
* Change logo to an image
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|show/hide right sidebar (SideBarOptions)|
<<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar>>
<<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar with: label tooltip>>
Try it: <<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar##show
	with: {{config.options.chkShowRightSidebar?'â–º':'â—„'}}>>
config.options.chkShowRightSidebar (true)
config.options.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelShow (â—„)
config.options.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelHide (â–º)
<<tiddler {{
	var co=config.options;
	if (co.chkShowRightSidebar===undefined) co.chkShowRightSidebar=true;
	var sb=document.getElementById('sidebar');
	var da=document.getElementById('displayArea');
	if (sb) {
'';}}>><html><nowiki><a href='javascript:;' title="$2"
	var co=config.options;
	var opt='chkShowRightSidebar';
	var show=co[opt]=!co[opt];
	var sb=document.getElementById('sidebar');
	var da=document.getElementById('displayArea');
	if (sb) {
	var labelShow=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelShow||'&#x25C4;';
	var labelHide=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelHide||'&#x25BA;';
	if (this.innerHTML==labelShow||this.innerHTML==labelHide) 
	this.title=(show?'hide':'show')+' right sidebar';
	var sm=document.getElementById('storyMenu');
	if (sm) config.refreshers.content(sm);
	return false;
%/<<tiddler {{
	var src='ToggleRightSidebar';
}} with: {{
	var co=config.options;
	var labelShow=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelShow||'&#x25C4;';
	var labelHide=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelHide||'&#x25BA;';
}} {{
	var tip=(config.options.chkShowRightSidebar?'hide':'show')+' right sidebar';
Description: Contains the stuff you need to use Tiddlyspot
Note, you also need UploadPlugin, PasswordOptionPlugin and LoadRemoteFileThroughProxy
from http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info for a complete working Tiddlyspot site.

// edit this if you are migrating sites or retrofitting an existing TW
config.tiddlyspotSiteId = 'tiddlegal';

// make it so you can by default see edit controls via http
config.options.chkHttpReadOnly = false;
window.readOnly = false; // make sure of it (for tw 2.2)
window.showBackstage = true; // show backstage too

// disable autosave in d3
if (window.location.protocol != "file:")
	config.options.chkGTDLazyAutoSave = false;

// tweak shadow tiddlers to add upload button, password entry box etc
with (config.shadowTiddlers) {
	SiteUrl = 'http://'+config.tiddlyspotSiteId+'.tiddlyspot.com';
	SideBarOptions = SideBarOptions.replace(/(<<saveChanges>>)/,"$1<<tiddler TspotSidebar>>");
	OptionsPanel = OptionsPanel.replace(/^/,"<<tiddler TspotOptions>>");
	DefaultTiddlers = DefaultTiddlers.replace(/^/,"[[WelcomeToTiddlyspot]] ");
	MainMenu = MainMenu.replace(/^/,"[[WelcomeToTiddlyspot]] ");

// create some shadow tiddler content

 "This document is a ~TiddlyWiki from tiddlyspot.com.  A ~TiddlyWiki is an electronic notebook that is great for managing todo lists, personal information, and all sorts of things.",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //What now?// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ Before you can save any changes, you need to enter your password in the form below.  Then configure privacy and other site settings at your [[control panel|http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/controlpanel]] (your control panel username is //" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + "//).",
 "<<tiddler TspotControls>>",
 "See also GettingStarted.",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Working online// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ You can edit this ~TiddlyWiki right now, and save your changes using the \"save to web\" button in the column on the right.",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Working offline// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ A fully functioning copy of this ~TiddlyWiki can be saved onto your hard drive or USB stick.  You can make changes and save them locally without being connected to the Internet.  When you're ready to sync up again, just click \"upload\" and your ~TiddlyWiki will be saved back to tiddlyspot.com.",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Help!// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ Find out more about ~TiddlyWiki at [[TiddlyWiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com]].  Also visit [[TiddlyWiki.org|http://tiddlywiki.org]] for documentation on learning and using ~TiddlyWiki. New users are especially welcome on the [[TiddlyWiki mailing list|http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki]], which is an excellent place to ask questions and get help.  If you have a tiddlyspot related problem email [[tiddlyspot support|mailto:support@tiddlyspot.com]].",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Enjoy :)// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ We hope you like using your tiddlyspot.com site.  Please email [[feedback@tiddlyspot.com|mailto:feedback@tiddlyspot.com]] with any comments or suggestions."

 "| tiddlyspot password:|<<option pasUploadPassword>>|",
 "| site management:|<<upload http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi index.html . .  " + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ">>//(requires tiddlyspot password)//<br>[[control panel|http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/controlpanel]], [[download (go offline)|http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/download]]|",
 "| links:|[[tiddlyspot.com|http://tiddlyspot.com/]], [[FAQs|http://faq.tiddlyspot.com/]], [[blog|http://tiddlyspot.blogspot.com/]], email [[support|mailto:support@tiddlyspot.com]] & [[feedback|mailto:feedback@tiddlyspot.com]], [[donate|http://tiddlyspot.com/?page=donate]]|"

 "<<upload http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi index.html . .  " + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ">><html><a href='http://" + config.tiddlyspotSiteId + ".tiddlyspot.com/download' class='button'>download</a></html>"

 "tiddlyspot password:",
 "<<option pasUploadPassword>>",

<<formTiddler NewLawTemplate>><data>{"title":"US Digital Millenium Act 2006","pubinfo":"Official Gazzette 2006","lawlink":"http://...","lawtopic":"Copyright","day":"30","month":"04","year":"2006"}</data>
<<formTiddler NewLawTemplate>><data>{"title":"US Patents Act","lawtopic":"Patents","pubinfo":"Official Gazzette 2008","lawlink":"http://....","day":"17","month":"02","year":"2008"}</data>
<<formTiddler NewLawTemplate>><data>{"title":"US Trademarks Act 2009","pubinfo":"Official Gazzette 2009","lawlink":"http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/tac/tmlaw2.html","lawtopic":"Trademarks","day":"16","month":"01","year":"2009"}</data>
| !date | !user | !location | !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |
| 13/10/2009 19:11:57 | Ignacio Herreros | [[tiddlegal.html|file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/iherreros/Escritorio/Nueva%20carpeta/tiddlegal.html#TspotControls]] | [[store.cgi|http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . | failed |
| 13/10/2009 19:12:31 | Ignacio Herreros | [[tiddlegal.html|file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/iherreros/Escritorio/Nueva%20carpeta/tiddlegal.html#TspotControls]] | [[store.cgi|http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . | failed |
| 13/10/2009 19:14:14 | Ignacio Herreros | [[tiddlegal.html|file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/iherreros/Escritorio/Nueva%20carpeta/tiddlegal.html#TspotControls]] | [[store.cgi|http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . | ok |
| 13/10/2009 19:42:58 | Ignacio Herreros | [[tiddlegal.html|file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/iherreros/Escritorio/Nueva%20carpeta/tiddlegal.html#TspotControls]] | [[store.cgi|http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . |
| 15/10/2009 19:03:44 | iHerreros | [[tiddlegal.html|file:///Users/imarchi/Dropbox/WIKIS/06%20tiddLEGAL/tiddlegal.html#TspotControls]] | [[store.cgi|http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . | failed |
| 19/10/2009 18:33:52 | Ignacio Herreros | [[tiddlegal.html|file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/iherreros/Escritorio/My%20Dropbox/Wikis/06%20tiddLEGAL/tiddlegal.html#TspotControls]] | [[store.cgi|http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . |
| 19/10/2009 18:34:12 | Ignacio Herreros | [[tiddlegal.html|file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/iherreros/Escritorio/My%20Dropbox/Wikis/06%20tiddLEGAL/tiddlegal.html#TspotControls]] | [[store.cgi|http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . | ok | failed |
| 19/10/2009 18:37:46 | Ignacio Herreros | [[tiddlegal.html|file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/iherreros/Escritorio/My%20Dropbox/Wikis/06%20tiddLEGAL/tiddlegal.html#TspotControls]] | [[store.cgi|http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . | ok |
| 03/11/2009 21:53:07 | YourName | [[tiddlegal.html|file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/iherreros/Escritorio/My%20Dropbox/Wikis/06%20tiddLEGAL/tiddlegal.html#TspotControls]] | [[store.cgi|http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi]] | . | [[index.html | http://tiddlegal.tiddlyspot.com/index.html]] | . |
|''Description:''|Save to web a TiddlyWiki|
|''Date:''|Feb 24, 2008|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license|http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#%5B%5BBSD%20open%20source%20license%5D%5D ]]|
version.extensions.UploadPlugin = {
	major: 4, minor: 1, revision: 3,
	date: new Date("Feb 24, 2008"),
	source: 'http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#UploadPlugin',
	author: 'BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info',
	coreVersion: '2.2.0'

// Environment

if (!window.bidix) window.bidix = {}; // bidix namespace
bidix.debugMode = false;	// true to activate both in Plugin and UploadService
// Upload Macro

config.macros.upload = {
// default values
	defaultBackupDir: '',	//no backup
	defaultStoreScript: "store.php",
	defaultToFilename: "index.html",
	defaultUploadDir: ".",
	authenticateUser: true	// UploadService Authenticate User
config.macros.upload.label = {
	promptOption: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki with UploadOptions",
	promptParamMacro: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki in %0",
	saveLabel: "save to web", 
	saveToDisk: "save to disk",
	uploadLabel: "upload"	

config.macros.upload.messages = {
	noStoreUrl: "No store URL in parmeters or options",
	usernameOrPasswordMissing: "Username or password missing"

config.macros.upload.handler = function(place,macroName,params) {
	if (readOnly)
	var label;
	if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") 
		label = this.label.saveLabel;
		label = this.label.uploadLabel;
	var prompt;
	if (params[0]) {
		prompt = this.label.promptParamMacro.toString().format([this.destFile(params[0], 
			(params[1] ? params[1]:bidix.basename(window.location.toString())), params[3])]);
	} else {
		prompt = this.label.promptOption;
	createTiddlyButton(place, label, prompt, function() {config.macros.upload.action(params);}, null, null, this.accessKey);

config.macros.upload.action = function(params)
		// for missing macro parameter set value from options
		if (!params) params = {};
		var storeUrl = params[0] ? params[0] : config.options.txtUploadStoreUrl;
		var toFilename = params[1] ? params[1] : config.options.txtUploadFilename;
		var backupDir = params[2] ? params[2] : config.options.txtUploadBackupDir;
		var uploadDir = params[3] ? params[3] : config.options.txtUploadDir;
		var username = params[4] ? params[4] : config.options.txtUploadUserName;
		var password = config.options.pasUploadPassword; // for security reason no password as macro parameter	
		// for still missing parameter set default value
		if ((!storeUrl) && (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http")) 
			storeUrl = bidix.dirname(document.location.toString())+'/'+config.macros.upload.defaultStoreScript;
		if (storeUrl.substr(0,4) != "http")
			storeUrl = bidix.dirname(document.location.toString()) +'/'+ storeUrl;
		if (!toFilename)
			toFilename = bidix.basename(window.location.toString());
		if (!toFilename)
			toFilename = config.macros.upload.defaultToFilename;
		if (!uploadDir)
			uploadDir = config.macros.upload.defaultUploadDir;
		if (!backupDir)
			backupDir = config.macros.upload.defaultBackupDir;
		// report error if still missing
		if (!storeUrl) {
			return false;
		if (config.macros.upload.authenticateUser && (!username || !password)) {
			return false;
		bidix.upload.uploadChanges(false,null,storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, username, password); 
		return false; 

config.macros.upload.destFile = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir) 
	if (!storeUrl)
		return null;
		var dest = bidix.dirname(storeUrl);
		if (uploadDir && uploadDir != '.')
			dest = dest + '/' + uploadDir;
		dest = dest + '/' + toFilename;
	return dest;

// uploadOptions Macro

config.macros.uploadOptions = {
	handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
		var wizard = new Wizard();
		var markList = wizard.getElement("markList");
		var listWrapper = document.createElement("div");
		var uploadCaption;
		if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") 
			uploadCaption = config.macros.upload.label.saveLabel;
			uploadCaption = config.macros.upload.label.uploadLabel;
				{caption: uploadCaption, tooltip: config.macros.upload.label.promptOption, 
					onClick: config.macros.upload.action},
				{caption: this.cancelButton, tooltip: this.cancelButtonPrompt, onClick: this.onCancel}
	options: [
	refreshOptions: function(listWrapper) {
		var opts = [];
		for(i=0; i<this.options.length; i++) {
			var opt = {};
			opt.option = "";
			n = this.options[i];
			opt.name = n;
			opt.lowlight = !config.optionsDesc[n];
			opt.description = opt.lowlight ? this.unknownDescription : config.optionsDesc[n];
		var listview = ListView.create(listWrapper,opts,this.listViewTemplate);
		for(n=0; n<opts.length; n++) {
			var type = opts[n].name.substr(0,3);
			var h = config.macros.option.types[type];
			if (h && h.create) {
	onCancel: function(e)
		return false;
	wizardTitle: "Upload with options",
	step1Title: "These options are saved in cookies in your browser",
	step1Html: "<input type='hidden' name='markList'></input><br>",
	cancelButton: "Cancel",
	cancelButtonPrompt: "Cancel prompt",
	listViewTemplate: {
		columns: [
			{name: 'Description', field: 'description', title: "Description", type: 'WikiText'},
			{name: 'Option', field: 'option', title: "Option", type: 'String'},
			{name: 'Name', field: 'name', title: "Name", type: 'String'}
		rowClasses: [
			{className: 'lowlight', field: 'lowlight'} 

// upload functions

if (!bidix.upload) bidix.upload = {};

if (!bidix.upload.messages) bidix.upload.messages = {
	//from saving
	invalidFileError: "The original file '%0' does not appear to be a valid TiddlyWiki",
	backupSaved: "Backup saved",
	backupFailed: "Failed to upload backup file",
	rssSaved: "RSS feed uploaded",
	rssFailed: "Failed to upload RSS feed file",
	emptySaved: "Empty template uploaded",
	emptyFailed: "Failed to upload empty template file",
	mainSaved: "Main TiddlyWiki file uploaded",
	mainFailed: "Failed to upload main TiddlyWiki file. Your changes have not been saved",
	//specific upload
	loadOriginalHttpPostError: "Can't get original file",
	aboutToSaveOnHttpPost: 'About to upload on %0 ...',
	storePhpNotFound: "The store script '%0' was not found."

bidix.upload.uploadChanges = function(onlyIfDirty,tiddlers,storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password)
	var callback = function(status,uploadParams,original,url,xhr) {
		if (!status) {
		if (bidix.debugMode) 
		// Locate the storeArea div's 
		var posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
		if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	if(onlyIfDirty && !store.isDirty())
	// save on localdisk ?
	if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "file") {
		var path = document.location.toString();
		var localPath = getLocalPath(path);
	// get original
	var uploadParams = new Array(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password);
	var originalPath = document.location.toString();
	// If url is a directory : add index.html
	if (originalPath.charAt(originalPath.length-1) == "/")
		originalPath = originalPath + "index.html";
	var dest = config.macros.upload.destFile(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir);
	var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
	log.startUpload(storeUrl, dest, uploadDir,  backupDir);
	if (bidix.debugMode) 
		alert("about to execute Http - GET on "+originalPath);
	var r = doHttp("GET",originalPath,null,null,username,password,callback,uploadParams,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

bidix.upload.uploadRss = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		if(status) {
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadRss
	if(config.options.chkGenerateAnRssFeed) {
		var rssPath = uploadParams[1].substr(0,uploadParams[1].lastIndexOf(".")) + ".xml";
		var rssUploadParams = new Array(uploadParams[0],rssPath,uploadParams[2],'',uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5]);
		var rssString = generateRss();
		// no UnicodeToUTF8 conversion needed when location is "file" !!!
		if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) != "file")
			rssString = convertUnicodeToUTF8(rssString);	
	} else {

bidix.upload.uploadMain = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
		if(status) {
			// if backupDir specified
			if ((params[3]) && (responseText.indexOf("backupfile:") > -1))  {
				var backupfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")+11,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")));
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadMain
	var revised = bidix.upload.updateOriginal(original,posDiv);

bidix.upload.httpUpload = function(uploadParams,data,callback,params)
	var localCallback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		url = (url.indexOf("nocache=") < 0 ? url : url.substring(0,url.indexOf("nocache=")-1));
		if (xhr.status == 404)
		if ((bidix.debugMode) || (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )) {
			if (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )
				responseText = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("\n\n")+2);
		} else if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0') 
		if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0')
			status = null;
	// do httpUpload
	var boundary = "---------------------------"+"AaB03x";	
	var uploadFormName = "UploadPlugin";
	// compose headers data
	var sheader = "";
	sheader += "--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-disposition: form-data; name=\"";
	sheader += uploadFormName +"\"\r\n\r\n";
	sheader += "backupDir="+uploadParams[3] +
				";user=" + uploadParams[4] +
				";password=" + uploadParams[5] +
				";uploaddir=" + uploadParams[2];
	if (bidix.debugMode)
		sheader += ";debug=1";
	sheader += ";;\r\n"; 
	sheader += "\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\""+uploadParams[1]+"\"\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8" + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Length: " + data.length + "\r\n\r\n";
	// compose trailer data
	var strailer = new String();
	strailer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
	data = sheader + data + strailer;
	if (bidix.debugMode) alert("about to execute Http - POST on "+uploadParams[0]+"\n with \n"+data.substr(0,500)+ " ... ");
	var r = doHttp("POST",uploadParams[0],data,"multipart/form-data; ;charset=UTF-8; boundary="+boundary,uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5],localCallback,params,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

// same as Saving's updateOriginal but without convertUnicodeToUTF8 calls
bidix.upload.updateOriginal = function(original, posDiv)
	if (!posDiv)
		posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
	if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	var revised = original.substr(0,posDiv[0] + startSaveArea.length) + "\n" +
				store.allTiddlersAsHtml() + "\n" +
	var newSiteTitle = getPageTitle().htmlEncode();
	revised = revised.replaceChunk("<title"+">","</title"+">"," " + newSiteTitle + " ");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-HEAD","MarkupPreHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-HEAD","MarkupPostHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-BODY","MarkupPreBody");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-SCRIPT","MarkupPostBody");
	return revised;

// UploadLog
// config.options.chkUploadLog :
//		false : no logging
//		true : logging
// config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine :
//		-1 : no limit
//      0 :  no Log lines but UploadLog is still in place
//		n :  the last n lines are only kept
//		NaN : no limit (-1)

bidix.UploadLog = function() {
	if (!config.options.chkUploadLog) 
		return; // this.tiddler = null
	this.tiddler = store.getTiddler("UploadLog");
	if (!this.tiddler) {
		this.tiddler = new Tiddler();
		this.tiddler.title = "UploadLog";
		this.tiddler.text = "| !date | !user | !location | !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |";
		this.tiddler.created = new Date();
		this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
		this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	return this;

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.addText = function(text) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	// retrieve maxLine when we need it
	var maxLine = parseInt(config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine,10);
	if (isNaN(maxLine))
		maxLine = -1;
	// add text
	if (maxLine != 0) 
		this.tiddler.text = this.tiddler.text + text;
	// Trunck to maxLine
	if (maxLine >= 0) {
		var textArray = this.tiddler.text.split('\n');
		if (textArray.length > maxLine + 1)
			this.tiddler.text = textArray.join('\n');		
	// update tiddler fields
	this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
	this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	// refresh and notifiy for immediate update
	store.notify(this.tiddler.title, true);

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.startUpload = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir,  backupDir) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	var now = new Date();
	var text = "\n| ";
	var filename = bidix.basename(document.location.toString());
	if (!filename) filename = '/';
	text += now.formatString("0DD/0MM/YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss") +" | ";
	text += config.options.txtUserName + " | ";
	text += "[["+filename+"|"+location + "]] |";
	text += " [[" + bidix.basename(storeUrl) + "|" + storeUrl + "]] | ";
	text += uploadDir + " | ";
	text += "[[" + bidix.basename(toFilename) + " | " +toFilename + "]] | ";
	text += backupDir + " |";

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.endUpload = function(status) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	this.addText(" "+status+" |");

// Utilities

bidix.checkPlugin = function(plugin, major, minor, revision) {
	var ext = version.extensions[plugin];
	if (!
		(ext  && 
			((ext.major > major) || 
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor > minor))  ||
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor == minor) && (ext.revision >= revision))))) {
			// write error in PluginManager
			if (pluginInfo)
				pluginInfo.log.push("Requires " + plugin + " " + major + "." + minor + "." + revision);
			eval(plugin); // generate an error : "Error: ReferenceError: xxxx is not defined"

bidix.dirname = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	} else {
		return filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf("\\"));

bidix.basename = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("#")) != -1) 
		filePath = filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(lastpos + 1);
	} else
		return filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf("\\")+1);

bidix.initOption = function(name,value) {
	if (!config.options[name])
		config.options[name] = value;

// Initializations

// require PasswordOptionPlugin 1.0.1 or better
bidix.checkPlugin("PasswordOptionPlugin", 1, 0, 1);

// styleSheet
setStylesheet('.txtUploadStoreUrl, .txtUploadBackupDir, .txtUploadDir {width: 22em;}',"uploadPluginStyles");

	txtUploadStoreUrl: "Url of the UploadService script (default: store.php)",
	txtUploadFilename: "Filename of the uploaded file (default: in index.html)",
	txtUploadDir: "Relative Directory where to store the file (default: . (downloadService directory))",
	txtUploadBackupDir: "Relative Directory where to backup the file. If empty no backup. (default: ''(empty))",
	txtUploadUserName: "Upload Username",
	pasUploadPassword: "Upload Password",
	chkUploadLog: "do Logging in UploadLog (default: true)",
	txtUploadLogMaxLine: "Maximum of lines in UploadLog (default: 10)"

// Options Initializations

// Backstage
	uploadOptions: {text: "upload", tooltip: "Change UploadOptions and Upload", content: '<<uploadOptions>>'}


''tiddLEGAL'' is a published idea by Ignacio Herreros, subject to this [[license]], based on [[TiddlyWiki|http://www.tiddlywiki.com]] created by Jeremy Ruston under a BSD open source license | <<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar>>
!!!License for ''tiddLEGAL'' 
Though Tiddlywiki and some parts of the code used for creating ''tiddLEGAL'' are licensed under a BSD open source license -and maybe other types of licenses-, which have been and are completely respected by the author of ''tiddLEGAL'', at this early stage, we, Ignacio Herreros as the original author of ''tiddLEGAL'' and any other person/author contributing to ''tiddLEGAL'', reserve all commercial rights to the concept and idea of ''tiddLEGAL'' itself (notwithstanding, as said, the open source licenses applicable to certain parts of the code).

!!!License for ~ForEachTiddlerPlugin
Copyright (c) abego Software ~GmbH, 2005 (www.abego-software.de).

!!!License for ~BreadcrumbsPlugin, ~SinglePageModePlugin and ~RSSReaderPlugin
Creative Commons ~Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License Eric L. Shulman and/or ELS Design Studios (www.tiddlytools.com)
!!What is tiddLEGAL:
''tiddLEGAL'' is an attempt to approach [[TiddlyWiki|http://www.tiddlywiki.com]] (TW) to the world of lawyers, attorneys, legal students and any other person interested in law, court decisions and regulations.

The purpose and object of ''tiddLEGAL'' is to offer an easy way to collect, manage, sort and view regulations relating to a particular legal topic or area (e.g. IP law, Commercial law, e-Discovery law, etc.) in a way that a single ''tiddLEGAL'' file becomes a kind of "Digital Code of Laws" for such legal topic or area (like the Codes of Laws typically used by us, the lawyers), and a really helpful reference tool for any person interested in such legal topic or area. The tool would not only include laws and regulations but also selected court decisions and news relating to the topic or area of interest.

The interesting issue from ''tiddLEGAL'' is the possibility to use the non-linear capability of TW to start collecting different regulations and decisions relating to the topic of interest, and automatically get them sorted by topic or date. Additionally, ''tiddLEGAL'' allows to make comments into each regulation or court decision.

At this moment ''tiddLEGAL'' is alpha (or gamma or the most incipient one) version, pending to receive comments and some help from the TW masters.


!!How does tiddLEGAL work?
# Click on "ADD NEW LAW" in the menu on the left, to add a new law or provision.
# Click on "ADD NEW DECISION" in the menu on the left, to add a new decision or resolution.
# Insert the corresponding title for such law or decision, where indicated.
# Click ''Done''
# Fill out the form corresponding to such law or decision.
# Select a topic (or, before, create one by including it in the [[TOPICS]] list)
# Finally, all the regulations and decisions you insert in ''tiddLEGAL'' will be sorted out by date or topic, and you can access them through the menu on the top.